by POOH 172 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Swan

    Dear Northern Girl,

    When I first got on this site I figured it was for JWs, not ex's, since it says Forum for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    There is a very good explanation for this. It isn't meant to be deceptive. Simon, who started this forum and registered the domain name, was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. However, after he founded this place he was disfellowshipped. He doesn't want to be reinstated, either.

    It is still a good place for all to come who want to talk about JW issues. There are many people who are exJW who understand your wanting to get reinstated. There are also JWs who post here from time to time. They may be willing to talk to you.

    I doubt that anyone would want to talk to you over at JWZone. They are rather strict about who they talk to.

    I don't know of any support groups for DF persons who are seeking reinstatement. I think the Society has a rule against one DF person talking to another, so I don't think a group like this would exist, but I could be wrong. Perhaps someone else knows?


  • northern girl
    northern girl

    Hi Tammy,

    You say that the name of this site isn't meant to be deceptive. Since Simon WAS a JW when he began this' Forum for Jehovah's Witnesses' doesn't it seem logical to change the name now that his views have done a complete turn about?

    I imagine Pooh posted with the idea that this is a JW site ... judging by her opening sentence. Later ... northern girl.

  • Maverick

    Dear Pooh, Buster and sixofNine are right, your husband has no right to foist this cult on you. What if he told you he was a Moonie, or a member of the KKK? Would you blindly follow? The cult install exit phobias and other conditionings that have 'kicked in' with him. Maybe you need to give him a little kick of your own. I know this sounds hard but he made a vow to you, is his vow to a book publishing corporation more important than you are? You need to know.

    Northern girl, I wish you well, you need it! Maverick

  • Hamas

    Welcome to the board, Nothern Girl !

    I am sorry I missed you out hun

    Peace to you.

  • northern girl
    northern girl

    Thank you for the welcome, Hamas. It is a delight to read everyone elses point of view.

  • PurpleV


    As a JW you cannot (on pain of disfellowshipping and shunning):

    Salute the flag
    Celebrate Christmas, Easter, Halloween, or any other holiday
    Wear immodest clothing
    Take a blood transfusion or allow your child to have one
    Buy stuff at garage sales (items might have demons) (I’m not kidding)
    Celebrate birthdays

    As a JW you must:

    Sell literature door-to-door regularly

    Attend 5 hours of meetings each week

    Submit to your husband as the head of the household in everything

    Believe that if your family is opposing your religious beliefs that Satan is making them do it

    Spend your vacation sweltering in a hot stadium attending a convention where you have to sit and listen to boring talks ALL DAY long for days on end in uncomfortable "appropriate" clothing (read: pantyhose in 100 degree heat.)

    Believe that Jesus is another incarnation of Michael the Archangel

    Attend a yearly memorial of Christ’s death by passing around a plate of bread and cup of wine but not having any (JWs believe that only a special “upper class” are entitled to do this)

    Congregation elders rule your life… they will reprimand you for things like dressing improperly, not putting in enough hours selling magazines, missing meetings, going to inappropriate movies or listening to “worldly” music

    Spank your infant/child if it can’t sit still through a 2-hour boring meeting

    They even want to regulate what goes on in married people’s bedrooms (no oral sex, etc.)

    RESEARCH this religion before you join!!!!

  • jgnat

    Northern Girl, I doubt you are not alone among the shunned to chose to stay away rather than face the rigors of reinstatement. You obviously still love Jehovah. I am wondering, what is it that you received from the Kingdom Hall that you cannot gain on your own, spirituality-wise?

  • northern girl
    northern girl

    Jgnat: The association and friendship is very important. Keeping company with people sharing the same beliefs is the same for me as for so many who still attend for fear of losing their circle of family and friends. The big difference is that I want to be there and would like to be a practising JW. Jehovah's spirit is with His people and thus I'd like to be there. Can't get that anywhere else ... and I am not indoctrinated. I've had years to try to find my way in many other circles and this is my free choice ... northern girl.

  • jgnat

    So then, Northern Girl, you are in a catch-22. You have decided you can only have sweet fellowship with Jehovah at the KH, yet you are unwilling to make the sacrifices required to be there.

    You have also been convinced, apparently, that such fellowship can only be found there.


  • Francois

    Let's cut to the chase.

    Cut your losses. This situation doesn't get better; it gets way worse.

    You married this creep based on fraudlent representations by him. Divorce him asap. Move to a place where he can't find you and start your life over. Get a new name while you're at it.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are more than crazy, they're criminally insane.

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