Spot the difference

by dmouse 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dmouse

    Answer these questions by consulting the scriptures in the holy inspired bible:

    When did God make man and woman?
    Genesis 1:26,27,31 and Genesis 2:4-7, 21-22

    How many animals went into the ark?
    Genesis 6:20 and Genesis 7:2

    When did Saul first meet David?
    1 Samuel 16:14-19 and 1 Samuel 17:55-58

    Who was told by the angel of Jesus’ birth?
    Matthew 1:20 and Luke 1:26-27

    Who visited the child?
    Matthew 2:10-11 and Luke 2:15-17

    What was Jesus’ second temptation?
    Matthew 4:5-6 and Luke 4:5-7

    Who were Jesus’ first disciples?
    Mark 1:16-20 and John 1:35-45

    How many mad men were healed when the pigs went berserk?
    Matthew 8: 28-31 and Mark 5:1-3,10

    Who gave Jesus loaves and fish?
    Luke 9: 12-14 and John 6: 8-10

    Where did Jesus preach to the crowds?
    Matthew 5:1-3 and Luke 6:17,20

    How many blind men were healed in Jericho?
    Matthew 20:29-30 and Mark 10:46-47

    Who asked for top places in heaven?
    Matthew 20:20-21 and Mark 10:35-37

    Whom did the women find at the tomb?
    Matthew 28:2-3 and Mark 16:5 and Luke 24:4

    What did Paul’s friends experience at his conversion?
    Acts 9:7 and Acts 22:9

    Where did Paul go after his conversion and who did he meet with?
    Acts 9:22-26 and Galatians: 1:15-17

  • Jimmer

    Your point?

  • waiting

    hey dmouse,

    Thanks for the post - but normally the poster does his homework, and the looking up of scripture - and if they're really good/nice, they put the scripture in their post (norm does this and it makes it so much easier and faster for his many readers).

    If you'd like to amend your post to put the scriptures in, and what bible translation you are quoting - then maybe we could see your point?


  • dmouse

    My ‘point’ is that it seems that the number of contradictions contained in the bible would tend to cast doubt on its claim to be the inspired word of God. Of course, any true believer can come up with ‘explanations’ for all contradictions, no matter what they are. But I don’t believe in blind faith, I believe in truth no matter how unpalatable.

    I am using the NWT, which is a left-over from my JW days. As for quoting the scriptures, I’m afraid my slow typing precludes that – it would take me hours. Besides, I thought you might want to look at the context of the scriptures.

    In any case, casting doubt on the veracity of the bible isn’t necessarily the same as casting doubt on God Himself. Perhaps the bible is man’s attempt to understand God but in no way was it inspired by him, and neither were any of the other ‘holy’ books like the Koran. I just think that a relationship with God, if He exists, should be a personal journey exclusive of imposed structure.

    To extend my ‘point’, it seems to me naive to use the bible or any holy book as an authority on what is right or wrong since NO ONE really knows what it means – it’s all guesswork, and one mans interpretation is as valid as any other’s.

  • pomegranate

    One man's contradiction could be another man's understanding. That's why God says to do this:

    Prov 27:17
    17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

    The sharpening is done man to man, not organization to man.

    Interpretation is right 100% of the time because interpretation comes from God.

    Man has understanding not interpretation. Man's understanding needs to be constantly adjusted as he keeps digging for the whole truth, sharpening his iron.

    That is easily done on an individual basis, as one man sharpens another. But when an organization does it, especially after years of professing a certain way, well...they look like false prophets.

    Hmmm. Sounds kinda familiar eh? :)

    (I am my own church)

    PS. My understanding of course!

  • Jimmer

    What "contradictions?"
    And, what should be used as the measure of right and wrong?
    And, if I am to believe you, on what authority do you base your convictions on?
    How do you know what you are saying is true?

  • dmouse

    Of one thing I am absolutely sure: That I am as clueless about what the bible means as everybody else.

  • pomegranate


    >>And, what should be used as the measure of right and wrong?

    Develope your own measuring line. Do something progressive.

    >>>And, if I am to believe you, on what authority do you base your convictions on?

    By all means DO NOT BELIEVE ME. I am in this "sharpening" game as much as everyone else. Believe in your own ability to sharpen your own tool. It does take work though. My "understanding" may give you "understanding" based on my digging and vice versa. My convictions are personally developed based on belief that there is a God and that the Bible is His. That's where I am now. From what I have learned post JW's, it's a real good place for me to be. For me anyway.

    >>How do you know what you are saying is true?

    My personal truth is built like a house. One brick at a time. My truth, like everyone elses is your own. It is how you build a relationship with God as you look for what is right and shed what is wrong. As you progress, you will find NOBODY can say "if you don't believe this, you are going to die!" Well, they CAN say it, but they have passed judgement and are in violation of Christ.

    One brick at a time. The first place to start building is on the cornerstone. The foundation. What is your cornerstone?


    Of one thing I am absolutely sure: That I am as clueless about what the bible means as everybody else.

    Speak for yourself. I know exactly what the Bible means to me. That's all that matters on my end. What it means to you is your own business, right?


  • dmouse

    Pom, I was not intending to denegrate what the bible meant to you personally. I'm sure that it is very important in a lot of people's lives and provides much comfort and spiritual guidance. My point was that we simply cannot assume that scripture can give us the definitive answer about anything - the bible can and has been used to support diametrically opposed positions. We can't use it to 'prove' anything. The very proliferation of different Christian religions with different beliefs, all basing their beliefs on the same bible, seems ample evidence for this.

  • Jimmer

    Your own measuring line? Your own personal truth?

    Fact: Hitler had his own measuring line.
    Fact: David Koresh had his own personal truth.

    Societies cannot survive without adhering to an objective "measuring line" outside of personal preferences.

    Truth is truth--no matter who examines it. If what is true for me is not true for you, then it isn't truth to begin with. It should rather be called preference.

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