Through everything... do you feel that you learned soemthing?

by anotheropenviewpoint 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai
    WTF is the Elder supposed to do about it to begin with? Tell the accused, "not to do it anymore" I mean come on now... if the accuser has a case GO TO THE 'EFFIN POLICE for gods sake.

    If this has'nt been addressed, that is a red herring, not the point, genius. The point is, that in most states, it's the EFFIN LAW for the elders to report. They break it all the time. Resulting in cong members that keep molesting kids, genius.

    How dare any of you claim what my knowledge might hold or not, as I have not exposed myself just yet.

    "How dare you" A very arrogant phrase I have mostly heard from dubs, especially elders that thought they were better thatn me, & you have exposed plenty, of ignorance.

    ... did you take something with you?
  • avishai
    Horse Sh*t, "incorrect information"... its a belief... individuals choose to accept that belief and adapt it to their own lives how they want

    What about the kids that died, with no choice, is that "emotional bullshit? Go EFF yourself.

  • Cassiline

    Stay open, Stay judgemental, even of yourself

    Does the bible not say; do not judge? I have found a no greater amount of those who judge then in the JW faith.

    and an utter calm came over me, as if my father was holding me and I was a little child. This peace, calm, or maybe even disallussion was unmistakable.

    I felt this too at meetings. What I learned for me about this feeling is that I am very comfortable around dysfunction. I grew up in a terribly dyfunctional controlling manipulative home.

    Lee makes an excellent example there.

    I notice that many of the comments were "I would never go back"... funny, but that is not what I asked, I had simply asked if you felt that you had learned anything.

    Perhaps we all “learned” to never go back.

    Mind control? - FOOEY I say.... no one controls your mind but yourself. It is human nature for some to want to fit in soooo badly that they control their own minds to observe and understand thier surrondings and program themselves to think that it is a must.... but I simply do not feel that this is the intent of the organization. If you LOOK for "evidence" of mind control, youll proove to yourself all day that you found it... but I can also proove to myself that the tree outside is blue and not green.

    Mind control is the term in common usage to describe behavior modification techniques.

    Did you not state that you were able to quit smoking when deciding to go back an attend the meetings? Is this not behavior modification? Those involved in cults or religious organizations AKA mind control groups that demand obedience or threaten those members with severe punishment are in tune with behavior modification. The WTS entire approach is that of controling our being through disfellowshipping and threats of death, our natural desire to please is severly exploited. Most members follow for the sake of the groups “higher purpose” even though they may detest doing so, meaning field service, blood transfusions, many were at odds with themselves as to *if* they would indeed say 'no" when it came to the life of their child or themselves. We may have hated field service while in yet we still went believing we would die if we did not. It is “belief coercion” pure and simple thusly mind control.

    Since it seems that you may be offended at any article I may mention related to JW how about this article that shows mind control on the part of Christian Scientists?

    One definition of a Mind-Control group is:

    "A religious group that engages in extreme spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional manipulation of its members in order to control closely their beliefs, thoughts, emotions and behavior"

    Do you see the JWs in this statement? I sure as hell do. They require their core, dedicated members to accept strong discipline which makes for a deep commitment to the church. Member's must remain celibate before marriage, abstain from tobacco, cussing, holidays, dedicate long hours to the religion in going door-to-door, etc.

    (part of the above paragraph is from a website and I can not find the URL now, although I added a few requirements)

    The JWs become their whole life, the source of their religious, cultural, social, and other support systems. If one becomes disillusioned by the aspect of the JWs they find it difficult to leave the org and abandon these support networks. If one chooses to leave all is lost; family, friends, jobs in some cases. All of this is mind control. How one can state it is not, must mean they can’t see for themselves yet still see with the JWs mind influencing ways.

    If you are open to the suggestion please read Steve Hassan’s; Combatting Cult Mind Control.

    Horse Sh*t, "incorrect information"... its a belief... individuals choose to accept that belief and adapt it to their own lives how they want

    Those who were raised as a JW often have no choice whatsoever. They were raised to believe they would die if they left and knew what leaving meant, desolation, gossip behind their backs, parents ashamed of them, etc.

    For example, this whole child abuse issue... WTF is the Elder supposed to do about it to begin with? Tell the accused, "not to do it anymore" I mean come on now... if the accuser has a case GO TO THE 'EFFIN POLICE for gods sake.

    Tell that to a 5, 7, 10 year old whose life revolves around the religion as I just described above and you will see exactly what an elder who is in a position of authority supposed to do. HE should report the offense immediately. We were taught to take all of our woes to the elders. Therefore they should be trained how to handle abuse. Then you may say the parent should report the abuse, please remember many a time the parent is the offending party. They will not report themselves and the catch 22 is when your abuser is also your father and is an elder as well.

    Did I learn anything?

    Yes, how to judge mankind. How to think I was better then anyone else and in that found a problem trying to assimilate when I left. I did not see other humans as a group of people; I was demeaning, demanding and assumed that I was always right. What a horrible person I was while in and shortly afterwards.

    Did I learn anything good? Yes, yet this does not negate the fact that most of what I was left with was destructful behaviours towards myself especially.


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