District Convention Part 1/6. Friday morning

by Winston Smith :>D 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    "John Class". The Faithfull and discreet Slave.They qualify as every class under the 'son', after all, all the ancient prophets prefigured them.

    QUOTE: "This went into the transfiguration witnessed by some of the Apostles. The WTS mentioned that Peter and John were spurred on because of this vision. Well the John class is spurred on by this same transfiguration account because many of the John class witnessed the fulfillment of this vision at 1914. "

    Winston. can you provide more detail on this transfiguration matter? Of course, the figures seen were not really Moses and (Enoch?). How could they be there in spirit when they were D E A D . ?? So therefore was the apparent "transfiguration" vision of Moses and (Enoch?) a vision that was not strictly true, but a false apprehension designed to ENCOURAGE and edify the Apostles?

    If you cant tell me their thinking on this transfiguration I will search it thru their WT library.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    QUOTE: "In fact", he said, "the John class in the late 19 th century ACCURATELY knew that Jesus’ presence would be invisible and that the Gentile Times ended in the Autumn of 1914."

    Winston. how to lie without actually lying.

    'They knew in the late 1800s that Christs presence was invisible' TRUE

    'They Knew the Gentile times ended in 1914' TRUE

    Logical conclusion drawn by the unread :'They knew that Christ would reign invisibly after 1914.' FALSE.

  • Ginosko
  • Ginosko


    Thanks for your excelent summary.

    In your time you must have been an excelent JW. LOL.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Ginosko. Thank you for your enlightening comment.

    QUOTE:"Do you see it happening soon?"

    No one claps for about two seconds. And I mean no one. Not one soul. Then there is a hesitant build up into LIGHT clapping.

    "Will you wait on it?"

    And the speaker left ZERO time for clapping, My biased opinion and maybe even wishful thinking was that the speaker didn’t want to hear if we wanted to 'wait for it'... because the audience didn’t respond too well to his second Q.

    Winston. I think maybe they didnt "See" anything. After all, they are not trained in the ways of free thinking and association. I think they were waiting for a 'cue' waiting to see whether the FDS was directing that they were supposed to clap or not.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Thanks for all that detail- they sound like they've run out of material and have decided to try and work up some spiritual high to carry them through the next year...

    Refiners (hope your wife's better )

    Regarding the transfiguration; the subject is covered in a ( I think it was a small green) book that I can't remember the name of it was quite an old one.

    You were right with your guess though, you know them so well... The figures looked like Moses ( and can't remember either) but just represented their faithfulness , hence the likeness. They would'nt dwell on that bit very much with me surprise, surprise.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hi all.

    I’m glad so many have found this of interest. It is still fascinating to me reviewing the DC in retrospect, especially in comparison to past DC’s I thought we so unbuilding.


    You analysis of the WTS methods of what constitutes a lie is so sad, but true. But to put a positive spin on this, the WTS methods gives me courage when the day finally comes and I get asked if I am an apostate or have talked with apostates, I can so no. But in my head I will be thinking, "Not unless I can count the JW’s!" HA!

    RE the Transfiguration, believe there wasn’t any deep analysis of it. it boiled down to this:

    The Transfiguration was real enough for Peter to have him ask if he should pitch tents for Jesus, Moses & Elisha.

    this spurred the disciples on to be more zealous in their ministry after Jesus death.

    we today have seen the fulfillment of the Transfiguration since 1914. So we should be spurred on to get off our asses and preach more, telephone people at their homes, in checkout lines at stores, at parking lots, yada, yada, yada.

    That was the full depth of the analysis. the bottom line was of course for us to DO MORE.

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