Can someone please explain James 5:14 for me

by preymanchis 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EverApostate

    The bible means Physical sickness, that would be cured by literal(blessed)oil.

    Jws and some christian denominations, spin this as a figurative speech, as they cant demonstrate this, if taken literally.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Venus: It means prayer can work as a placebo—curing some and not curing others. Thus James 5:14 can have both applications—literal and figurative.

    What of blindness from birth? Was Jesus putting mud on the man's eyes a placebo? What about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead? Even today there are miraculous healings that take place because of the faith of those being healed.

    Healings can and do take place in many religions.

  • cofty
    What of blindness from birth? Was Jesus putting mud on the man's eyes a placebo?


    What about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead?

    Didn't happen

    Even today there are miraculous healings that take place because of the faith of those being healed.

    Prove it

    Healings can and do take place in many religions.


    God hates amputees.

  • venus

    Cold Steel,

    Greatest enemy of miracles is Bible itself. While it reports about miracles such as curing the blind, resurrecting the dead ... it also gives weightier reasons to doubt those reporting because recipients of those miracles do not respond befitting the recipients. None of them came in defense of Jesus while he was falsely being tried in the royal court, nor they came for preaching activity even after Jesus left the stage. Why people come to die for terrorist leaders while Lazarus did not come forward for Jesus? Because as Cofty says they are all myths.

    You also said: "Even today there are miraculous healings that take place because of the faith of those being healed."

    If you lose one of your legs or hands, why faithhealers of today are unable to cure it? This is because miracles happen "always in the past, in the forgotten history, not in present tense."

  • fulano

    The whole bible is or has a placebo effect. And by the way, Venus...miracles will also happen in the future.

  • smiddy3

    God hates amputees

    If you lose one of your legs or hands, why faithhealers of today are unable to cure it? This is because miracles happen "always in the past, in the forgotten history, not in present tense."

    Ain`t that the truth .

  • venus

    enjoyed the humor, fulano

  • Ruby456

    The ancient had a holistic view of sickness so everything counted.

  • Ruby456

    Btw preymanchis come and study with futureLearn. It will broaden your mind as people who visit there are from all over the world and the educators actually know what they are talking about. You can learn at different paces and different levels.

    On this site here people seem to be taking refuge on an extreme version of the planet Mars (as in men are from Mars and Women from Venus). This is so noticeably entrenched nowadays. Fortunately there are alternatives.

  • cofty

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