by RubaDub 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    Just a question,

    Does anyone have these recurring, bad nightmares?

    I seem to get this one in the early summer, around the District Assembly time each year.

    It starts with me getting up to go to the restroom during the session. I get up from my seat and try to find the nearest one. I walk and walk. It seems like I am walking forever. Every mens room that I come to has a cardboard sign over it saying "Women" and a long line waiting to get in.

    I feel like I am ready to explode when I finally find one at the other end of the stadium.

    After washing my hands, I accidently take two towels instead of one and everyone else in the bathroom turns and begins to come closer to me holding signs "ONE TOWEL ONLY" and shaking their heads saying, "Only One, Brother, Only One" as I back into the corner.

    Feeling trapped, I find an opening and make a dash out of the bathroom into the corridor.

    As soon as I get out, dozens of people begin encircling me holding up "PLEASE BE SEATED" signs.

    I break past everyone and finally find the stairway to get back to my seat.

    I get back to my seat but someome is sitting in it. I tap him on the shoulder. He turns and hands me what looks like a microphone. The speaker suddenly stops, the audience completely quiet, and he asks me for my comment. Everyone in the entire stadium turns and looks at me. I begin to mumble a few works when people begin waving "QUIET" signs in my face.

    I drop the microphone and go running back to the hallway. I try to find an exit but everything is blocked with people sitting with contribution boxes at their sides.

    I frantically begin opening doors to find an exit but instead every room has 3 elders sitting around a table, smiling, and asking me to just sit down and talk a few minutes.

    I go running down the hallway when I trip and fall. Lying on my back, people are waving signs in my face to "PLEASE KEEP MOVING."

    I start yelling "No! No!"

    About this time my wife kicks me, complaining I ate dinner too late, and tells me to roll over and go back to sleep.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • Hamas


    I do.

    Some say that they are far away from the Watchtower now, and never again will it affect them. Yet somewhere, deep down in our subconscious minds, remains the Watchtower Society. We may escape it, but it shall never escape it.

    I have dreams about assemblies quite often also. Mainly running down an everlasting flight of stairs trying to get out. I had more dreams about Watchtower teaching when I was a dub, but since leaving they seem to have left me. Now i'm just left with personal experiences, and how I remember certain places to be.

  • sandy

    LOL that is a funny nightmare.

    I have dreams about being at the meetings and conventions too. I always wake up relieved that it is only a baaaad dream.

  • teenyuck

    Here is one I had and posted on this thread:

    I was at home and a man came to the door...I knew immediately he was a JW brother, however, he was quite handsome (no offense) and very well built. He looked like a cross between Brad Pitt/Tom Cruise/Evan Marriott.... He wore a very nice dark gray suit that formed perfectly to his sculpted muscles...He had a very nice book bag. Black, brushed silver hardware. Overall, a very attractive package.

    I decided to let him in to discuss the world. I tried getting my computer running so I could pull up this site or Quotes and at least throw some arguements back to him.

    I was too slow. My husband was home and decided to come see what and who I was talking to. The brother said he was selling vacuums and winked at me...he wanted me to not tell my husband he was a dub. My husband wandered off and left me alone with the brother.

    He invited me to go to the assembly...he gave me directions, a parking pass and a name tag. I decided to go.

    I invited my mother down to Columbus so she could go with me....I did not want to go alone. It has been years and I did not know the protocol. She agreed.

    I recall driving there, seeing the brothers in their reflective vests, directing traffic. We got out and walked in....for some reason the door into the auditorium was near the speaker stand.

    I looked at the speaker stand and there was the brother who came to the door...he was sitting on the podium and winked at me. I could feel myself blush.

    My mother and I made our way through the seats and found a row of 4 seats in the middle. We sat down and I can see the women around me....all gray haired, teased and sprayed. They all had on skirts and sweaters in pastel colors....I could smell the was overwhelming.

    I recall having a Watchtower and Awake in my lap....Everyone stood and started singing and swaying. I did not have a song book or know the tunes. Everyone looked at me while I tried to mouth the words. I could feel my blood pressure rising and I started to sweat.

    The assembly went on....all the sisters around me were raising their hands to answer questions from the mags. I can see the microphone handlers coming to push the mic in front of their mouths. I could barely hear the seemed that everyone was whispering.

    Suddenly, I felt a push on top of me!!!

    It was my cat. She was purring did my cat get into the assembly?

    Then I woke up!!!!!!!!!!

    I had this dream this morning....It was after my husband got up and started to shower....I knew I was dreaming (night-maring actually) and could not stop it.

    My cat was trying to get warm and wanted to cuddle....she woke me up. I was very disconcerted when I woke up....then about 1/2 hour after I woke up, my mother called. Very eerie.

    Has anyone had dreams like this?

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