Are the JW rules different worldwide ??? and WHY ???

by run dont walk 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I have read alot of threads recently and it seems to me that each country of JW's has a set of different rules. Maybe most of the doctrines are the same, but there seems to be a big difference in ..............

    beards .......

    clothing .......

    tatoos ........

    piercing body ........

    grooming in general ........

    cars ..........

    jobs you do .......

    schooling .............

    university ..........

    dating .........

    What do you think ????????

    I read one comment (can't remeber who it was) who said that the USA JW's seem to be alot more concerned about stupid little things then most other countries.

    Hopefully we will get comments from all over the world on this topic, and compare some differences.

    Also brings up the question WHY ???????

    I read one brother got taken off his responsibilites because he grew a beard, but in some countries overseers have one, should he change countries ??? Did not Jesus and the apostles have beards ??? Or will the Watchtower receive "new light" and change the pictures in upcoming books/magazines ???

  • greven


    You noticed something I wondered about some time ago, while learning about other countries. I am most familiar with the Netherlands so most of what I say will be somewhat of a comparison between the US and the Netherlands.

    Maybe most of the doctrines are the same, but there seems to be a big difference in:
    * beards. Fully accepted at this moment in our country. However, during the 70's it was frowned upon because it would reflect the world to much. My dad was tolled he even had to get rid of his moustace, he didn't and because of this did not get any privileges.

    *clothing. From what I hear: in some places you are not allowed to wear colered bottondown shirts, only white ones. Ridiculous! Same story in holland: now permitted, during the 70's frowned upon. The rule for skirts is just above the knee. However this rule is hardly enforced.

    *tattoos. Heavy frowned upon. No privileges. Won't get you DF-ed though.

    *piercing body. Hmm sofar I can see it is permitted, no privileges, you will be labeled weak.

    *grooming in general. Pretty everything is ok, as long as you are not touching anything inappropriate during meetings. I know some cases where a boyfriend went with her familie on a trip and slept over (in a seperate bed, but still...) My parents were tolled during the 70's that they could not hold hands during the I guess a lot has changed.

    *cars. No rules for cars in our country.

    *jobs you do. Nothing military or religious. Further no rules.

    *schooling. Most parents encourage their children now to go for what they can. I do university for instance. Only elderly people frown upon this.

    *movies. The Dutch do not rate the movies like the Americans. So R-rated movies cannot be banned. Everything is left to the individual. I know some (even elders and MS-ers that went with me to LOTR and Potter. Others frown upon this.

    *swearing. The dutch swear alot. When in company with youth the word 'shit' is not uncommon. I friend of mine went to the states and was surprised that even the youth there was offended when he said shit, as he missed the ball at a game of pool.

    Read one comment (can't remeber who it was) who said that the USA JW's seem to be alot more concerned about stupid little things then most other countries.
    Yes, everything seems to be regulated in the US. The Dutch have a more "mind your own buisiness" attitude. More liberal. Well, we can't smoke pot though, so not THAT liberal...

    Also brings up the question WHY ???????
    Because they are not as united as they wanna be. It's not one big brotherhood, it's more a collection of multiple small subcultures with an own interpretation of the rules. As long as anything is not written in black and white it is open to interpretation. Note that never the issues of colered shirts are in the WT. Those subcultures would change if everything would be spelled out in the WT, but they are reluctant to do so ofcourse.

    I read one brother got taken off his responsibilites because he grew a beard, but in some countries overseers have one, should he change countries ??? Did not Jesus and the apostles have beards ??? Or will the Watchtower receive "new light" and change the pictures in upcoming books/magazines ???
    funny that you mention this: in the 70's they changed all the pictures of Jesus and such. Yes, without beards! they even had some archeological evidence for this...:

    *** w54 8/15 511 Questions from Readers ***

    The traditional picture of Jesus shows him with long hair and beard, but the Watch Tower publications illustrate him as beardless and with short hair. Which is correct?—M. H., United States. The later Watch Tower publications show Jesus as beardless and with short hair because he is shown that way in representations of him that are older than the traditional effeminate-looking picture. (...)Since the Bible does not describe Jesus’ facial appearance or indicate he had a beard of length, we follow the oldest archaeological evidence rather than the later traditional view that makes Jesus appear effeminate and sallow and sanctimonious. Greven
  • blondie

    I was told that things get more regulated the closer the congregations get to Bethel (USA). Part of the reason is that many Bethelites travel out to give talks to the congregations in the general area. Some Bethelites attend congregations as far as 50 miles away. Even then those congregations can be as much as 30 to 40 percent Bethelites.

    In the end, it depends on the local elder body. In my area, one congregation allows sisters to have 2 pierced holes in one ear, in others nearby only one. In this area, one congregation only 10 miles away would not allow mustaches and 2 others would. This was possible because it was up to the local elders. Needless to say, brothers who wanted mustaches moved into congregations that allowed them. COs can come through with their own personal idiosyncrasies. Some elder bodies give into his pressure, others do not.

    In the final account, each local elder body makes the rules and enforces them based on their "conscience."


  • happy man
    happy man

    Here is berd something yopu not can have if you are elder or servant, this is very forbidden, this have always make me angry, where can we read this in the bibel, a perfeckt exampel pharisee behavior.

    you say Read one comment (can't remeber who it was) who said that the USA JW's seem to be alot more concerned about stupid little things then most other countries. well isnt all US peopel like this, when i was in US 1969, i dont have to go in servisce beaucause I havre not tie, it was wery hoot , so i dont want tio use it, and in Sweden it was no problem but in US a very bigg problem, say some about the hyppokrysi in US. .

  • rocketman

    The WTS of course attributes most of these differences to culture and locale, etc. But, as Blondie mentioned, many of the differences occur in congregations located even in the same city or general area.

    The rules are arbitrary and Pharisaic. This thread will no doubt show, as more comments are posted, how Pharisaic and rule-oriented that religion is. My goodness, sisters permitted to have only one piercing in their ears? And then for others, it's limited to two? Yep, perfect examples. Same with the colored shirts, the beards......the list goes on.

  • aunthill

    Rules! Rules! Rules! That is their way of controlling down to the smallest item. CONTROL makes them feel powerful and important. It's all about them, you see, not about love and compassion for the people.

    One CO didn't like mustaches so all the bros had to shave until he was moved to another circuit - then grew them back when they found out the new CO was more reasonable. Same CO railed against women wearing pants that zipped up the front - we don't have the proper "plumbing!" so we don't need it. Let's see him try to zip something up the side or back, he'd find it not so easy!


  • Hamas

    Also, another fact to consider :

    Literature is free !!!!

    They cry in the west !

    You guys must pay!

    They cry to those whose countries are not affected by Jimmy Swaggarts big day in court.

    ... an interesting fact most Dubs are unaware of. Who needs free literature the most ? The poor or relatively rich ?

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    thanks hamas, was looking for that article

    by the way, you have an EXCELLENT site, I go there regularly .........

  • ignored_one

    Since the WT is based in the US a lot of the 'counsel' depends on what is going on in the US at the time.

    Take for instance the constant demonizing of heavy metal and rap music. When I was younger I was mainly into house/garage/trance/techno etc but as that wasn't mainstream in the US there wasn't any 'counsel' on it and that suited me just fine.

    After all, how can you criticize a form of music that a good percentage of the time doesn't have any lyrics to 'stir the young ones into immorality'.

    Ignored One.

  • Hamas

    Thank you, my friend.

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