Harry Potter Versus The Watchtower.

by SpannerintheWorks 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    dmouse, I was just looking for that article. Yes, spanner, the WTS does not mention movies by name in print any more. COs and maybe DOs might name movies specifically at the circuit assemblies or from the platform in the congregations, but you will see nothing in print.

    On at least one JW DB, so-called good and holy, they justified going to the recent Matrix movies (R-rated) even the ones that live in the US. Those who live outside justified it by saying their rating system had no R-rated movies. They considered it a "conscience" matter.

    Even when the movies are named specifcally as I heard, Scream I and II vilified by the CO, the sister next to me said she would wait and rent the video, or wait till it was on cable.

    So, spanner, if you want to hit them, this won't do it. Most likely they will say, Brother GoodfriendswiththeCO took his family to see it so it must be okay.

    Blondie (the hypocrisy is blinding at the KH these days)

  • leddfootdja

    The Ring-very scary.

    The Others-very cool.

    Anything that hints about life after the death of our bodies- very cool.

  • Mutz

    All I know is that the Harry Potter books make much better reading than any of the WT's literature.

  • greven

    In my cong there was an leder that said that James Bond movies were not for christians and he got counseled for it. Like that article on ET is one of the last to mention those things specifically. Now they only hint at stuff.


  • undercover

    The WTS learned their lesson on the ET article. I remember lots of people pish-poshed that article. After all it was just a movie about an ugly little alien that made friends with a little boy. The WTS article read like they were scared of too much attention being pulled away from God(WTS), like this little alien would replace Christ or something. But after so much backlash, I think they learned that is best to not name movies, shows, bands etc. by name, but just condemn them all in a generic way. If anyone trend or movement scares them, they will use the assemblies and CO visits to straighten up the friends. That also keeps them from looking like kooks when non JWs read their literature. The downside to that for XJWs is that you can't point to anyone article or publication to "prove" that any one thing was condemned. All you have is the collective memory of the people who were around then.

    I personally haven't heard Harry Potter mentioned from the stage, but then again I don't go to the meetings much anymore. I can see where the WTS would condemn these books/movies. It's full of wizardry and magic and witches and spells and so on and so forth. It's also fanciful fiction fantasy fun. But since so much attention is made about the popularity of it, you know the WTS is scared that people will get all caught up in it. And they can't have that. They have to have your whole-souled devotion. So naturally, something so full of this "satanism" is easy to condemn and will be, so as to keep control over the people.

  • jws

    Maybe they like ET more now that they replaced the rifles with radios and took out the word terrorist...

    I remember that article, but now it makes my blood boil all over again. Somebody's really got to be straining to find moral problems with a kid's movie like ET.

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