Matthew 24:36

by ClassAvenger 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    I pretty much believe God is so highly exulted that we can’t know his nature, but only vaguely. The trinity is a human concept that developed in time, because men have been trying to put some sort of concrete label on God. I currently favor it as partially right. I do believe Jesus is God, as well as the Father and Holy Spirit.

    But this Father, Son and Holy Spirit description of God I believe to be metaphors, that God uses to explain himself to us puny 3 dimensional beings.

    Think for a minute; are the Father and Son really males and the Holy Spirit sexless?

    I don’t think for a minute that un-created beings like the Father and Son have a penis between their legs, do you? These are human concepts that God is using to explain himself to us, it is only "baby talk"(God condescending to are level of understanding), for God can not explain himself completely to us in our human language it is far too limiting. I think we should think of the Father Son, and HS as God, it seems to be what the Scriptures lean towards, but we should also acknowledge that they are beyond our description in human 3 dimensional terms.

    I BTW do not consider having the correct understanding of God to be a matter of salvation. For this will come when we see God face to face.

  • Myxomatosis


    Yes, I know, just another example of how idiotic the Watch Tower has been with setting dates in regards to the Second 'Presence' *ahem* VISIBLE RETURN. How shocking none of what was 'expected' came into fruition.

    I was speaking to a certain Jehovah's Witness who was quoting Iraneous out of context (suprise surprise) He brought up this:

    "Irenaeus { c.130-200 C.E. }: "We may learn through Him [ Christ ] that the Father is above all things. For 'the Father', says He, 'is greater than I.' The Father, therefore, has been declared by our Lord to excel with respect to knowledge." --- Against Heresies, Book II, chapter 28.8

    Again TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT! What Iraneous was here referring to WAS the SECOND COMING, the Father excels with respect to knowledge IN THAT ASPECT. Now, here's the thing that my good (non-JW) friend pointed out to me which perhaps will explain things a bit better:

    "I noticed that Irenaeus specified- with respect to knowledge.
    The Father has a greater knowledge in one area. He knows the time when Jesus will return. To me this is because the Bridegroom in Hebrew wedding ceremonies must prepare a place for their bride and await their Father's inspection before the place is declared done"

    Yes, and as you know Jesus is the Bridegroom. The Church is His bride.

    I hope that helps :)

    O'corse, unbelievers will just reason that it is all a load of crap, and thease controdicting scriptures just proove it, but they refuse to see with eyes of faith!>>>>>

    Ahhh, now since your out of the Watchtower you are free to contemplate this further. I'm sort of scratching my head why you would say what the Watchtower does (he was inferior to G-d,,, i.e. the verses where it shows Jesus' willing subordination to the Father while He was incarnate) I've been talking to a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses and this is the same thing they say. Now, I would like to tell you WHY Christians say He is G-d, basically, you can start just by realising that every verse that they say are used improperly by 'trinitarians' are actually the opposite of what they argue. They are absolute in declaring the Son as G-d, and the Watch Tower is completely devious in representing them, and making sure to pound it into people's heads that 'this is no proof that He is G-d' either it's translated incorrectly (whereas the NW is not) or its interpreted incorrectly wotever. If you would be interested now that you can examine other beliefs more freely, could I please tell you why I believe Him to be G-d?

    (also they've shamefully misrepresented the early Church Fathers, Polycarp and Ignatious esp. as you probably know, who taught Jesus as G-d and the Holy Spirit as G-d)

    Also, if you still have the idea that the doctrine of the 'Trinity' has pagan origins, STOP, it absolutely does NOT, and I can prove it (beyond a reasonable doubt) (or rather nobody can PROVE it) and that it is not Biblical??? ONLY if the SINGLE correct interpretation of the Scriptures on Earth today IS the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION. (or the translation by the Spiritist Johannes Greber) *shivers* hopefully not.

    "Not one who is sure he acceptsthe Trinity as of right now, I should not be commenting here, I guess. But, I just wanted to say that if one belives that the Father is superior to the Son, and that they are two seperate persons, the scripture seems easier to understand - simply that God did not as of that time inform Jesus of the day or hour." -Rocketman

    Hi Rocketman! That's cool, my goodness I wouldn't expect you to after all you've read throughout the years from the WT. You know this reminds me of something that C.T. Russell said (sorry!) something to the effect of G-d gives us the ability to understand and reason which is true and false of the Bible (!!!!!!!!) and that it is 'Unreasonable' lol that G-d should exist in three persons. First of all, ummm, lots of stuff in the Bible is 'illogical' and 'unreasonable' "now wait a minute, Jesus had density and mass, therefore it is unreasonable to believe that He should walk on the water, the laws of nature tell us that since he has density, he will sink, therefore, that could not be true???!!!" It would be 'unreasonable' 200 years ago to believe that there would be mass air transit, where you could arrive halfway across the world in a matter of hours. Anyways, it's just very silly. I think. I wish C.T. would have read 'Critique of Pure Reason' by Immanuel Kant. Oh well. Anyways, if he had been at all a student of Scriptures, he would have used the laws of hermeneutrics (spelling?) to interpret Scripture, not whether it was 'reasonable' (moron! double moron, the Trinity is 'reasonable') Anyways, what I am trying to say here is one should not look for the presupposition that makes it 'easier' to understand from the Scriptures, but be open to ACCEPT though it may not be easy what they teach. That is not a good way to go about things I fear, And BY THE WAY, it's so funny, every thing I've read on the Trinity by the Watch Tower, makes Christians look like 'oneness pentecostals' or 'modalists' in other words, saying that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the SAME PERSON (that has 'modes' between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!!)!!! Every thing I've read! Hence making a straw man argument to knock down. That is NOT what the bible teaches, it teaches, though I know you won't think so, that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, all SEPARATE PERSONS but ONE G-D, co-equal, co-existent. NOT THE SAME PERSON. The Father is NOT the Son, the Father is NOT the Holy Spirit, the Son is NOT the Holy Spirit, but yet, since G-d is infinite, He REASONABLY and BIBLICALLY exists as ONE G-D in three persons. :)

    Just look at the Sh'ma

    "Sh'ma Yisrael, Adonai Elohaynu, Adonai ECHAD"

    'Hear Israel, the L-rd is our G-d, the L-rd is One'

    (Echad, ONE COMPOSITE, not ONE SINGULAR [which would be 'Yachid'], ECHAD is used to describe a bunch of grapes :)
    just look at 'Elohim' (used to describe 'gods' as well as the one true G-D??? a plural term for G-d)

    Please look at what I say with new eyes, I know you've probably heard it in the Watch Tower, it's probably been brushed aside as some sort of 'propoganda' but you can decide for yourself if it is of any significance. That is your freedom.

    Anyways, Cheers


    *and we all went to heaven in a little row boat
    there was nothing to fear nothing to hide*
    -Radiohead 'pyramid song'

  • onacruse

    Wiltshire, I couldn't agree more, with everything you said. Add anthropomorphism and conditioned "reality" to the "solution," and instead we have the perfect mix for self-delusion.

    Myxo: Iranaeus? Kant? Hermeneutics? Oh, are you a man after my own heart! btw, how long have you been killing rabbits? LOL


  • Hamas

    I thought of the question in the past also.

    It is up to you, but I wouldn't let dogged trinitarian beliefs indoctrinise themselves into your mind.

    There is only one God; our creator. He is not part of any trinity.

  • Myxomatosis

    Hi Craig,

    <Myxo: Iranaeus? Kant? Hermeneutics? Oh, are you a man after my own heart! btw, how long have you been killing rabbits? LOL> lol brilliant! No one's caught that! I must plead innocent to rabbit wacking, as I only adopted the title knowing it as a tight Radiohead song..honest! :) Then I read Thom's interview in Spin...

    btw, I'm a chick (not a girl, not yet a woman, or wotever Busty Spears says) 19/f/US. Nice to meet you! That's well cool you liking them too!

  • Myxomatosis

    Hi Hamas

    <<<<It is up to you, but I wouldn't let dogged trinitarian beliefs indoctrinise themselves into your mind.>>>>

    err...ok. I'm not trying to be deceptive or dogged, it is what I believe, yes, as a person who is not Catholic, or part of any 'dogmatic' organisation. Also, people can decide whether what I say for themselves is of any worth. I'm not trying to hypnotise anybody here. People can think for themselves (esp. now since they can TRULY examine what is being said)

    <<There is only one God; our creator. He is not part of any trinity.>>


    Why? I would say that there is ONLY One G-d too. So, why does it say in Scripture that Jesus is the Creator, by whom all things were made, and without Whom NOTHING was made? I'm sorry, I don't know what your beliefs are, and I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I don't know if you still accept the Bible. But, I do hope you realise the parts that the WatchTower has CHANGED in order to suit the theology that the Father ALONE is G-d. I don't see why they would need to do that if it truly were unbiblical. But you may not believe in the Bible? I dunno. Whatever is cool.

    Do you still believe then as the Watch Tower teaches that the Father is exclusively Jehovah, and alone is God?

    Can you tell me why?

    Would you mind listening to an *unbiased* (meaning non-dilluted) party explain Biblically why G-d exists in three persons?

    Or do you somehow still think it is pagan, or Platonic, or of the devil, or wotever? why?

    thanks, that's all


  • Hamas

    Hi Myxo.

    I will hapilly answer your questions regarding this issue.

    Firstly, stating what I believe, I believe that there is one God, and he is not tied to any trinity such as Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Since leaving the Watchtower, I have read several balanced accounts on this subject, mainly from trinitarians but I must say that their reasoning and logic is floored.

    I believe in the God of the bible, but I also believe that many parts of the bible have been corrupted down through the years, as they have reached us today.

    This means that I believe the verses that trinitarians use to back up this teaching have been corrupted through the ages ; for example I think that Church leaders have twisted scripture to back up the doctrines they wanted to introduce. As much as I hate the Watchtower, I must agree with their stance on this subject.

    Reviewing some texts used by trinitarians reveals that this may well be the case. For instance, those calling in favour of the Trinity doctrine point to John 1:1. Granted, I agree that this verse may not read the way Watchtower leaders would like it to, such as the way it is translated in the much criticised New World Translation. The way the verse appears in other translations such as the King James version or the Gilead bible is the way I think it was written originally. However, I have serious issues with this fact. Maybe John had it wrong ; maybe the apostles had it wrong. They had wrong ideas about Jesus whilst he was on earth, so why would they stop having these ideas after ?

    Facts remain, Jesus never spoke of himself as the Son of God, neither did he mention anything about him being God in flesh. Just as Watchtower leaders can twist scripture to back up doctrine, I think that this has happened to Christendoms leaders also.

    The scripture in Colossians speaking of Jesus creating everything is another example. The question that all thses scriptures beg is why didn't Jesus ever say these things ? A doctrine as important as the trinity ; after all, his and his fathers identity, yet he never attempted to reasons along these lines. Instead, he devoted his life to doing the will of God, as a faithful prophet.

    I hope this answers your questions.

  • ClassAvenger

    I don't think men inspired by God such as John would make mistakes or assumptions and write them down, they were texts that were to be read for hundreds of years to learn of God.If they were to do this, I think they would be leading other people away from the truth. (No, I did not mean the Jehovah Witnesses when I said the 'truth', lol).

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