New Letter CONG-E: 2018 Memorial and Special Talk

by Edison Trent 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Edison Trent
    Edison Trent

    A friend sent me a new letter, that should be read to the congregation:

    September 18, 2017


    Re: 2018 Memorial and Special Talk

    Dear Brothers:

    On Saturday evening, March 31, 2018, we will gather to observe the Lord’s Evening Meal. (Luke 22:19) To generate enthusiasm for the Memorial, the special public talk, entitled “Who Really Is Jesus Christ?,” will be presented one week before the Memorial, during the week of March 19, 2018. Congregations that have an assembly or the visit of the circuit over-seer the week of March 19 will have the special talk one week earlier. Most congregations will view a talk that has been prerecorded by the branch office, and in many cases, given by a member of the Branch Committee. We hope this advance notice will be helpful to you in pre-paring for these important events.

    Your brothers,

    c: Circuit overseers

    PS to bodies of elders:
    Please arrange for this letter to be read to the congregation at the first midweek meeting after its receipt. Thereafter, it should be posted on the information board. However, this postscript should neither be read to the congregation nor be posted on the information board.

    In preparation for the 2018 Memorial, please review the direction on selecting a Memorial speaker and selecting Memorial meeting times found in the February 13, 2017, letter to all bodies of elders.

    The prerecorded special talk will be available on JW Stream about one month prior to the week it is to be presented. Please assign an elder or a ministerial servant to download the prerecorded talk from JW Stream (using his credentials) several weeks before the congregation is scheduled to view it. Since there may be multiple recordings available in the same language, in early 2018 the branch office will inform groups and congregations which recording they should use. If possible, a backup speaker should be assigned in case of technical problems with the recording. If a congregation or group does not have the necessary equipment to view the recording or if the recording is not available in the language of the congregation or group, the body of elders should assign a qualified speaker to give the talk in the usual manner.

    Is this the beginning of the end of "live" public talks?

  • alanv

    Yes I guess the org realize that a talk recorded at Bethel, where they have complete control over it, is a lot better than some local elder who they dont know and who could add something they dont want in the talk.

  • AverageJoe1
  • WTWizard

    Good timing for it. Mercury will go nicely retrograde on March 24, 2018 and communications are ruled by Mercury. I hope there are massive outages on their system, massive problems with buffering and programs not working, and major problems with streaming. Of all the times I was in the cancer, I never saw a Mercury retrograde bork a live talk.

    Not to mention, it will still be nicely retrograde during the REJECT Astaroth Party. Again, I hope the retrograde totally ruins the event.

  • Edison Trent
    Edison Trent

    @AverageJoe1 thank you, i looked for another post about this topic but didn't see yours.

  • smiddy3

    the special public talk, entitled “Who Really Is Jesus Christ?,”

    What can they say about Jesus Christ that hasn`t been said thousands of times before and no one is any the wiser .

    Is Jesus mute ? Is Jehovah mute ? Neither have said anything for 2000 years ?

    Shouldn`t the talk really be titled W.T.F. has Jesus Christ been doing for the past 103 years since he has supposedly been ruling from 1914 till now ?

  • Drearyweather
    Shouldn`t the talk really be titled W.T.F. has Jesus Christ been doing for the past 103 years since he has supposedly been ruling from 1914 till now ?

    JW's have already answered this question:

  • stan livedeath

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