Looking for diet pal(s)

by patio34 17 Replies latest social physical

  • patio34


    I'm starting a new diet today and would like to find some diet pals here. We could share tips, stories, wins, losses, trade suggestions, and just do the sort of thing a Weight Watcher's might do. I did go to WW for a while, but now have my two little grandsons staying with me and can't get to a WW meeting.

    Hopin' to hear from you!


  • waiting

    hey patio,

    I went to WW for a while, did well, but my hours at work got too long. But I might start back - good program.

    Hope the grandkids keep you young?


  • patio34

    Hi Waiting,

    So what are you doing now instead of WW? The grandkids keeping me young is ONE way of looking at it!

    Yesterday, I didn't do as well as I'd like, but I did better than usual! Weekends are always a little tougher.

    Today, back to work and keeping busier always helps. Plus, my desk is further removed from food than here at home. I rely a lot on 'protein shakes' that are low-calorie.

    This is my public commitment to any who may read it: to stick to my plan and exercise (even a 5-minute walk helps!). It's getting started that's hard. "A job well begun is half done."


  • Jang

    I have been on a diet the last 6 weeks and have lost 40 lbs. The diet I am on was given me by a Doctor who specializes in people who have problems losing weight.

    I am not allowed any starch foods for 5 days of the week and on the other two days I can have a sandwich, cereal for breakfast and a potato or sometihng like that. On those two days I must make sure my fat intake is less than 35 grams.

    On the other five days I can have a protien shake three times a day, or the equivalent amount of lean protien, chicken, beef, lamb etc. I must have 160 grams of protien a day. I can have unlimited vegetables and salads ..... I can have 5 pieces of fruit a day. I can also have snacks of low-cal soups, a few japanese rice crackers, no limit on low calorie jello, a tub of diet yoghurt a day.

    I must also have a minimum of 2 litres or a gallon of water a day.

    I am never hungry! It is too much to eat .....

    I have home made vege soups, curried veges (make my own curry flavouring) stirfries made without oil, .... there is no limit what one can do with veges .....

    As long as I have almost no fats and no starches five days a week I am fine.

    It is a little like the Protien Power Diet, but without the fats .....


  • RedhorseWoman

    I don't diet--they just never seem to work for me. However, I did start weight training about nine months ago, and that is working (the only thing that has EVER worked). I haven't lost too much in actual pounds (about 15), but I've gone down almost two full sizes, so I guess it's working.

    I started this mainly to get stronger....the weight and inches lost are an added benefit.

  • Angharad

    I feel like I need to diet after our holiday, I feel like all I've done for two weeks is eat!

    I keep thinking about joining a gym!

  • patio34

    JanG, that sounds like a really good plan--and successful too! I've tried those kind before, but have had digestion problems so I could refine it a bit to allow for that. You've inspired me!

    RHW, weight training is great. I got away from that and just am starting again. Do you have a set of weights at home?

    I like it because it's supposed to have as much benefit as medicine in preventing and reversing osteoporosis. You've got me enthused about starting up again.

    Actually, at work we have a 15-minute exercise and stretching program we do each morning. We use resistance cords for bicep, tricep, etc. training. So that helps to get me started.

    Angharad, what holiday were you on? Does that mean you were 'on vacation' as we say here in the U.S.?

    Actually, I'm attending a wedding this fall at my sister's (Waiting) and have put on 20 lbs since she saw me last and want to lose it to feel better on the vacation.

    Thanks for the interesting posts. I'll keep checking back. If you have any suggestions, that'll really help!


  • Jang

    I've tried those kind before, but have had digestion problems so I could refine it a bit to allow for that.

    If you have tummy problems, you could get what my doctor offered me if it cause me problems.

    He gives his patients the same stuff they give for gastric reflux like Tagamet. Maybe there is
    a way around the problems too ....



  • Jang

    I keep thinking about joining a gym!

    Right Me too ......

    Start the diet and work out at home with cans of soup etc ......

    My doctor said that if I could do 5 minutes a day in either pushing a couple of cans around
    or doing push ups against the wall, along with the 20-30 times I go up and down the stairs already
    that I would slowly but surely see the difference.

    He was right ..... and it doesn't cost me gym fees


  • Angharad

    Hi Patio

    Yes we've been on vacation in Canada, visiting Simon's dad.

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