I hate being sick

by cruzanheart 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sadie5

    Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon.

    A wedding & reception is a LONG time to be out in the heat. We're a few degrees cooler than you but I can only stay out for a short time before I'm back in hugging my AC.

    thinking of you


  • rocketman

    (((((((Nina)))))).......sorry to hear you're sick! I hate that feeling, especially the nausea!!

    I hope you are better soon. Until then, have Big Tex wait on you and serve your every need. And have him do that even after your recovery!

  • KGB

    Well this ought to really make you sick. I was watching a program on the Discovery Health channel one evening and it was about people who get worms. One of the segments was about a guy who ate some fish that was not cooked well. Fish have a worm that lives in their meat and if not cooked well when we eat the meat the worms goes down the throat into our lungs then does a growth thing. Then we cough as if coughing mucous and most people swallow the mucous which in turn sends the worm hatcling into our stomachs and attches itself to our intestines and grows. Eventually it grows to a length that when you go poopoo it will come out of the anus but is attached and you cannot release it. it takes medication to kill it then you just eventually crap it out. I hope this was not to graphic but it is very well true..Something to think about when you want to eat raw fish next time.....


  • cruzanheart

    KGB: Ewwwwwwww!!!!!!!

    Everyone else: Thanks for the sympathy and advice! It wasn't the sushi, though, just a nasty virus.


    he needed to go to the hospital but wouldn't

    I know that's right! Big Tex got food poisoning TWICE and refused to go to the hospital both times. The second time he couldn't throw up and I was really, really worried so I called the paramedics and he still refused to go with them. The paramedics and I stood around him in a semicircle staring down at the sick guy and one of the paramedics said regretfully: "We can't take him without his permission unless he's unconscious." Another one said wistfully: "Yeah . . . ." I offered to help them out with a frying pan but got "The Look" from Big Tex so backed off. He stood up, wobbling a little but with great dignity, and told us all to buzz off. Or words to that effect . . . .

    Love you all!



    Cruzanheart: no more sushi.....only maple syrup and beavertails (Canadian stuff, not what you think).

    Hey, we've got a few nurses and medical professionals here.....time to get in our Canuckmobile, and head down Interstate 35 to Dallas.

    OK. We'll be monitoring you until you're feeling better.

    Tins of Tim Horton's coffee and Canuck goodies to smoothen out that sore tummy.

    Get well ((((Cruzanheart))))

  • WildHorses

    I felt queasy all day yesterday. I wanted to throw up but no such luck. I didn't have a fever or anything, just queasy. It must be something going around.

    I hope you feel better now. I do.

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