I need your help

by SpiceItUp 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiceItUp

    So the good news will start now.....

    Some of you may remember that I stumped my mom http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/51940/1.ashx

    Anyway here is the update. I went on vacation but my mom to my knowledge did not pick up CoC and read it. It wasn't until I got back home did she a few days later admit to perusing through it.

    yesterday I got in a 4 hour in-depth discussion with my parents. For 2 hours it was my mom and I was explaining the false 607 date. Then later my dad came out and he got involved in the conversation as well. He is the one who understands the timelines and realizes that the 607 date is absolutely "pivital" (to use his word) to the teaching. The conversation went well. So well in fact that both of my parents are going to do research on this doctrine issue.

    To help back myself up. As I want other sources besides CoC I am hoping to locate some other books etc that cover those dates. If anyone has any recommendations it would be greatly appreciated. I have a feeling if proved to him this would be my fathers way out. After him my mother would follow like a good sheep and so would my sister.

    please please please any references that are non "apostate" is what I am looking for.

    oh and wish me luck although I have a feeling as soon as my father starts looking into this on his own it will be over.

    Spice of the getting excited but trying not to count her chickens just yet class

  • drwtsn32

    Fantastic!!! I am hoping that some day I can reach my parents. Planting seeds of doubt must be done very, very carefully so as not to trigger their automatic defenses.

    Again, great news! We wish you success!

  • Hamas

    Good luck in your quest.

    I really hope it works out for you.

    In the meantime, try checking this site :


    Good luck amigo

  • SpiceItUp

    Hey thanks for the support.

    Hamas-- I checked out that site. Its a good one. Thanks

    bttt for more input and suggestions

  • KGB

    I wish you all good luck, talking to my folks is like talking to a rock wall....

  • JH

    If 587BC is the right date, doesn't this just bring the generation 20 years closer? So in a way, it's as if we would be in the 69th year of the generation of 1934 instead of the 89th year of the generation of 1914.

    Maybe the witnesses should accept this as new light. It would buy them 20 more years...

  • Angharad

    The Gentile Time Reconsidered by Carl Olof Jonsson - although it is probably considered apostate you could use it for reference

    I've not read it but Simon has and said it was very good.

  • CyrusThePersian


    Another good idea would be to look up "Jerusalem", "Isreal", or "Babylon" in ANY, and I mean ANY encyclopedia or history reference and they will ALL say that Jerusalem fell in 587/586 B.C. The Witnesses are the only people on earth who think that Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E.


  • Francois

    Somewhere here on JWD is a thread that contains an exhaustive list of various researchers and the dates they have come to accept and teach as the correct one for the fall (there's not one 607 in there). There is page after page of 587s and what nots, and it's in here somewhere. Does anyone remember this thread I'm talking about?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    This post goes back a few months - I think it is the one Francois is referring to.


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