Gay Marriages now allowed in Ontario

by Aztec 9 Replies latest social current

  • Aztec

    Here is a link to the story...

    I think this is wonderful!

    I would be interested in hearing everyone's opinion on this.


  • StinkyPantz

    I think that it's great for legal reasons. Many gay couples are together for life but because they aren't married they can't get benefits such as joint insurance.

  • Aztec
    Many gay couples are together for life but because they aren't married they can't get benefits such as joint insurance.

    One of the many reasons I think this is a great development. Thanks SP!


  • Scully

    There are also estate issues that occur in long term committed gay relationships. Without a marriage certificate, families have successfully been able to contest the last will and testament of a gay relative, even someone they have treated badly for years, because of their sexual orientation. The grieving and bereaved partner ended up losing everything. That always bothered me.

    Love, Scully


    Yup, it's official.

    The world did not come to an end as result of it either.

    Scully, you are so right. Where a surviving partner is not recognized or is banished from their partner's funeral, will and bequeaths. If the family was hostile and non-supportive, they get one last dig in once their gay family member is in the ground. The partner is ignored and cast aside. So much for respecting their family member's wishes.

    Eventually, it'll be no big deal.

    But it is quite a landmark decision, to put it mildly. I was quite surprised by it too.

  • alirobbi

    And also, the family can keep a partner from the hospital room of an ill or injured partner. If the family says no way, the hospital has to comply with the family's wishes. Even if the family has shunned the sick partner for years and suddenly shows up. They can still say that this person is not family so he/she can not come into the room and visit and it happens alot.

    This will help keep this from happening.

  • Aztec

    Hi alirobbi.

    Even if the family has shunned the sick partner for years and suddenly shows up. They can still say that this person is not family so he/she can not come into the room and visit and it happens alot.

    I hate hearing about things like this!

    Rayzor's right. The world didn't suddenly come to an end or anything...LOL! Let's hope this becomes legal in more places.


  • angelkins


    I think this is wonderful and about time. Let us hope U.S. will do the same soon. Kudos to Canada!!

  • Abaddon

    Gay marriage has been going in Holland for a few years now. Before then they had registered partnerships (straight people can have a registered partnership too, and still can as can gay people), and as "the world didn't end" they allowed them the use of the word marriage.

    Anyone wanting a horrible picture of what can happen if gay people are not allowed partnership rights should watch 'If Walls Could Talk II'.

  • hawkaw

    Actually homosexual couples are allowed to be married in 9 of the 10 provinces. I am not sure about our 3 territories.

    The only hold out is the Ralph Kline Conservatives in Alberta. I also note some in the Federal Liberal Party of Canada are against the practice. They should be ashamed of themselves. Preventing a couple (whose only problem in the eyes of the law is that they are of the same sex) from obtaining a marriage licence is a clear form of discrimination.

    I do have very conservative principles on many issues such as government finances. But when it comes to issues of discrimination like this issue, I am thoroughly happy for the homosexual community and frown on those who object to this form of marriage.

    As usual though, its the courts who have to make rules that overturn old and outdated laws and the government(s) then are forced to follow along. Now if the majority of these religious groups who believe in no racial discrimination would turn 180 degrees on sexual and sexual orientation discrimination, then society's culture can really move forward.


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