WT Assembly Makes the News

by 95stormfront 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 95stormfront


    Does anyone want to bet that they'll be using this at the end of the a$$embly as a witness to how great and united they are?

  • little witch
    little witch

    I cant wait to see the backlash on this one!

    Nothing more dangerous than pissing off several thousand catholic latinos!!!

  • Stephanus

    I find this quote intriguing:

    Witnesses are willing to come into homes and help mend problems between husbands and wives or parents and children, a role he said Catholic priests don't commonly play.


    Like the Dubs will not drive wedges between families and protect paedophiles!

  • shamus


  • Curious Mind
    Curious Mind

    They will come into your home allright but it's more rending than mending

  • Aztec

    How funny that I wasn't the only person to see this line:

    Witnesses are willing to come into homes and help mend problems between husbands and wives or parents and children

    ...and immediatly feel nauseated!


  • bluesapphire

    Oh puleeeeze!!! This article is nothing but self-back-patting. I hate it when reporters are too lazy to do their homework and just print whatever the dubs parrot out. Priests and lay-workers go to Catholics' homes all the time. And priests actually have an education and study psychology BEFORE giving marital counseling.

    Also, I wonder how many of these "delegates" have gone into people's homes and fondled the children before going back to their receptive countries. I would never let a stranger stay in my home. No matter what religion they are! Even when I was a loyal, I was pressured to hosting delegates more than once. Thanks but NO THANKS!

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim


    I agree with you. Good points!

  • JCanon

    Well, "God's people" to fulfill prophecy are supposed to be able to show "love among themselves" and I don't think any religion does it better than they do, particulary between the races.

    Guess they are the true religion in that regard after all.

    Too bad so many of their teachings are wrong though.

    Oh well.... Glad I don't have to go listen to all that jive.


  • ClassAvenger

    I know the reaction of the latinos will be a lot of cussing in spanish, they don't like their faith to be challenged...

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