The Feminization of it acceptable?

by Brummie 48 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Brummie

    Nothing to do with JWs but I thought it interesting anyway:

    The Feminization of BoysAfter viewing 20/20's piece entitled, "A Gender Straitjacket", I have come to the conclusion that the mass leftist media needs a "Sensitivity Muzzle" when it comes to the feminization of the male gender.

    A 15 minutes segment, filled with a quack named William Pollack, telling me that 2 year old boys who paint their nails and play with Barbie dolls is a normal thing, was more than my paunch could handle.

    A mother, named Cassandra, has so feminized her 3 year old son, that she even buys him pink nail polish(for his toe nails) and a purse. With one breath she says he like girl "stuff", and with the next, she explain how the other boys ridicule him. I suppose appeasing the child's every whim is now the foundation for good parenting.

    If a man were drinking a beer in front of his 3 year old son, and that child asked for some because he wants to emulate dad, then shouldn't pops just give him one? I mean if you subscribe to Mrs. Pinky-nail-polish-mom's mindset, then the father would be in the right.....right? Wrong! Child Protection would snatch junior away quicker than you can say Bud-wise-er.

    Another form of behavior that's within the lexicon of 20/20's absurdity, is little boys wearing girls clothing. "DR" Pollack says that if this behavior would happen over and over again, it would be considered "normal." He then goes on to the old "we are one species living on one planet" spiel.

    Sounds like a drag queen/bisexual propaganda film!

    "Hey Bill."
    "Yea Ted."
    "Does this blouse make me look fat?"
    "You look fabulous dude!"
    "Thanks Bud, do you have any tampons for the Yankee game tonight?"

    Where does it end?!


  • pettygrudger

    Couldn't agree with you more Brummie!!!! The pussification of America is what I call it (I read that some where - spot on).

    But I think the problem lies with too many single-mother households and not enough good male role models.

  • pettygrudger

    Oops - I should've added that not all single-mother households have "pussified" boys - I happen to know of a couple of women that are raising strong young men!

  • Brummie

    lol @ the disclaimer Petty, I'm sure some-one would have flamed you for it.

    I agree with you 100%


    The pussification of America

  • nilfun

    But not all boys prefer GI Joe to Barbie — and those who deviate from the expected behavior may find themselves the subject of ridicule.

    Unfortunately, that's very true. Easy targets, I guess...

  • Aztec

    Thanks for the disclaimer Petty.

    As a single mother of a little boy this is something I think about pretty regularly. He's very sensitive and very attached to his mom. I think both of those things are good but I worry about it becoming unhealthy or too extreme.

    He has, in the past, painted his nails. He did a horrible job but, he chose the blue polish over all the pinks and reds.

    When he plays with toys he tends to go for the more creative toys like play doh, lego's and coloring books. His favorite toy though, is his super soaker! He plays equally well with boys and girls.

    He likes to "help" me cook but he's just as happy building mud castles in the back yard. He is brutal on his clothing and isn't truly happy unless he's covered in dirt from head to toe and has at least one new hole in his jeans.

    My best friend Jeff told him real men never leave the seat down after they pee and he's religiously stuck to this practice. Remind me to clobber my friend.

    I think I've done a decent job with my son so far. He's pretty balanced! As long as my son doesn't suddenly start refusing me cuddle time we're doing pretty good.


  • SheilaM


    NOt sure how to broach this but ummm you have a kitten as an avatar so who is the pussy hmmmm I mean Pussy cat of courseLOL ROFLMAO


  • Gwydion

    I do not think that the "Feminization" of boys as it is called is a cause for alarm. The gap between genders has never been closer. Things 100% socially unacceptable 20 years ago are common place now. It is as much the girls acting more like the boys as it is the boys like the girls. We just notice the feminine traits in the boys greater than the masculine traits in girls because it has been so socially unacceptable when we were children. When I was in school the boys ate lunch on one side of the lunch room and the girls on the other. There was no fratranizing with the "enemy" lest you get coodies. 20 years later at my daughters school the boys and girls sit next to each other as friends and compatriots. My daughter has schoool friends of both genders as does my nephew at his school. When I was in school it was not uncommon for two boys to kick the sand at each other and get into a playground fist fight. This was followed by a trip to the principals office and detention. In the schools of today a playground fist fight will result in a lengthy suspension and a law suit. The world has changed and our children are growing up in an environment foreign to us. In the end I think that genetics and nature will take it's course most boys will grow up to be men and most girls will grow up to be women and the same small percentage that falls somewhere inbetween won't be any different than it was 20 years ago it's just that in the world of our children it will be more socially acceptable that it is in ours.

  • Gwydion

    Having read the article I can see where you are coming from though. They were giving extreme examples. By going to the extreme they were making the issue larger than it is in every day life.

  • larc

    I have three children, all grown up, a boy and two daughters. We didn't try to do anything special. When thery were tiny tots my wife changed their diapers. As they got older we just provided food, clothing and shelter and holidays, since we had left the relgion long before they could remember it. So anyway, they did not have any gender identity crisis, they just grew up and went on with their lives, much like my wife and I had done in the generation before them.

    Now, even though I can come on strong here at Simon's place, I can also have a gentle demeanor. So can my son. It is genetic, but it certainly does not make either of us pussies.

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