Crystal Palace Assembly

by yxl1 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • yxl1

    Does anyone know if they still hold assemblies at Crystal Palace? I remember being told

    not to talk to the weirdos who would hang outside and hand out apostate material.

  • Brummie

    welcome aboard yxl1

    I dont know the answer to your question, but I used to attend Crystal palace conventions occasionally if I had volunteered at my own district C, I was followed around there last time I went and questioned by the brothers 3 times (who btw looked more suspicious than I did). Dont know why they followed me I had a suit & tie on and my hair was short enough, perhaps it was my high heels or sumpthin.


  • Matty

    One year in the early 70's they held a district convention at the Crystal Palace football ground at Selhurst Park, I think it was '72. Anyway, after which they resumed back at Twickenham and they have had conventions there ever since. This one at Selhurst Park was notable as it was the last ever District Convenntion that had evening sessions up to after 9pm at night.

    More recently, from the mid 80's onward they had conventions at the Athletics Stadium at Crystal Palace. They had them there for many many years, but because a lot of the older ones were complaining that there was little shelter from the elements (only a small part of the stadium is covered) it was decided that the convention would be relocated to the London Arena, a large indoor venue.

    Tomorrow the very last convention is being held at the London Arena, in fact it will be the very last event there of any kind. I started a thread about it but have received no replies - boo hoo!

    So where will they hold the convention next year? All I do know is that Twickenham holds 80,000 people sitting but no more than 20,000 actually attend and so there would be plenty of room for the Witnesses from the east. However the problems with travel and accommodation was the reason why they broke away those circuits in the first place, so who knows what will happen.

  • nightwarrior

    Crystal Palace has not been a venue for some years now - London Arena became the one to be seen at!

    I am so glad that I do not have the trudge of going to the Assemblies anymore - this will be the first district assembly that I have not been. ooohhhh the excitement of knowing that I do not have to go - wonderful - and the weather is going to be lovely this weekend - oh what a shame!

    Mrs Nightwarrior

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