Why Witnesses are Zealous - a Dark Reason.

by metatron 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sabine

    Ooops - didn't realize that Sabine had logged on. As far as I know, she was not interested in girls.



  • metatron

    another example of Witness obsession:

    15 minutes a month makes you a publisher? Gimme a break! If this isn't obsessional, what is??

    Some poor old geezer in a nursing home hands a magazine to a nurse and tells the elders he made his time

    for the month.

    proplog: now you're being clearer . Sure, the organization attracts a lot of sad, downtrodden people with mental problems.

    I repeat that the Watchtower uses them and exploits much of their obsessive nature. I feel this way about my own experience

    and many Witnesses I've known thru the years. I read , a long time ago, about a psychologist who was friendly to the Watchtower

    warn headquarters to be careful about driving people into depression and suicide. I don't think they've paid much attention.


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    Dannybear, Use most of your examples and substitute JW's for parents. If your mom and dad caught you doing a "peeping tom", how would they have handled it?

    MinnieMouse (Sorry, that just occurred to me as I was writing your name!!)

    Some parents would handle it well on their own. Matter of fact, lots of parents do indeed handle such things with sensitivity all the time.

    For instance, my parents (not, thank goodness, JWs) found out I was hanging out with the neighbor kid when he played with matches one day. (what kid isn't kind of fascinated by fire, especially when it's such a big no-no to mess with it) Now, of course they freaked, but they told me the reason they freaked was because we could get horribly burned or we could burn somebody's house down. They did not drag me before a church tribunal whose grilling permanently connected, in my mind, playing with matches and God's disapproval resulting in my everlasting destruction!!

    The problem with the org's handling of such things, is there is almost no chance of it being handled in a sensitive, common-sense manner, and almost a certainty it will be blown out of proportion and cause, as it did for Danny, tremendous issues with a healthy and normal attitude toward sexuality.

    For crying out loud, a 9 year old boy is gonna be curious and want to see such things. They deserve a good butt-chewin' for invading another's privacy in such a manner, but certainly not for being inordinately curious about what "real, live boobies" look like and wanting real bad to see some!! Just like my parents chewed me out for playing with matches but understood that campfires are kind of cool and it was pretty normal for me to want to mess with them even though it wasn't really safe for me to (they didn't immediately assume I was a pyromaniac and a danger to society).

    How many dads who had not been indoctrinated into the WT's "Borg mind" would think, "Man, I don't want him lookin' in windows and turnin' into a perv, but when I was 9 I sure wanted to look at naked women too!" and go from there??

    Kids do dumb things. Kids doing dumb things is normal and not cause to scar them for life and convince them that God will never forgive them if they put a toe wrong!! The whole point is to teach them how to differentiate between what's dumb stuff and what's OK.

  • minimus

    as, (whatever your name is) I agree with you.

  • gumby
    I can't say that the Watchtower causes obsessive behavior but I'm convinced they exploit and encourage it.

    You think these people go to 5 meetings a week, go in service every saterday, and keep up on their studying because they are compulsive or .......have BECOME compulsive?

    Some of you make it sound as though the dubs....once brainwashed.........can't get enough of dubdom and become compulsive after it. Hardly!. There is one reasdon why they do this.

    1.) They really believe god wants and REQUIRES them to perform this way......and if they don't......he will kill them.

    What compulsive disorder has to do with dubdom is beyond me.


  • Jessica Rabbit
    Jessica Rabbit

    I have to agree with Danny. In my case it was JW PARENTS. That's the whole point. They were just as messed up as I was. You have to remember that being a JW was a very public thing. No matter what you were doing, someone was observing and ready to either advise or tattle. So the more obsessed you became in your behaviour the better off you would be. I commented earlier on why I hated attending the meetings as a child. It was because I was molded into this little soldier who looked straight at the platform. Why? Because I was an elders' kid who needed to be a good example to EVERYONE WATCHING. There were no toys to keep my attention. Remember the book study "Bablyon the Great Has Fallen"? I was 6 years old then. How many people can remember having to behave a certain way at that age and even remembering the cover of a book they couldn't even read? I haven't been in any other religion, but shouldn't my memories of playing outside and going to the zoo outweigh all the behavior stuff?

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    So the more obsessed you became in your behaviour the better off you would be.

    I think this is the most important point of the thread. That the indoctrination of the society rewards behavior that should not be rewarded in a healthy mind and encourages rather odd psychological tics (or whatever the right word is) in even the most "normal" (whatever that is) of their followers.

    Unless I'm wrong...isn't one of the links between severe childhood sexual abuse and multiple personality disorder the fact that children who are being abused dissassociate, pretend it's not happening to them, or retreat into a fantasy world? (a non-JW friend who suffered severe childhood abuse told me that's what she did and that she fights with multiple personality disorder as a result)

    Now, of course, being forced to sit still and look straight at the platform as a small child, while abuse, is hardly comparable to sexual abuse...but it seems logical to me that the disassociation, daydreaming, and fantasy that I hear over and over from people who were JWs as a kid, might cause a very mild but widespread problem among those raised as JWs. Not true MPD but some sort of mild problem nonetheless. Am I way off?

  • Jessica Rabbit
    Jessica Rabbit

    No, you are right on the money in my book. I am not ashamed to tell you I have some definite "issues". I struggle daily with a disorder that I have never had an opportunity to address. I am constantly "scaring" people away who I work with because I do live in a dreamworld. Somedays I could just swear they are out to get me or they are being nice to my face but really can't stand me. We were taught to always walk in that Hall with a smile on our faces and whether we did or didn't like someone or something, we never let it show. So much of my personality is such an "act", even now. I am 40 years old and my personality changes with the wind. My husband should be given a gold medal for putting up with all the different Tracis.

  • metatron

    It goes deeper than that. I agree with the guy who said "we're offering eternal life to people who don't know what

    to do with themselves on a Sunday afternoon". Witnesses keep going and going and going -- long after they've

    succumbed to constant depression. They also take no note of the lack of any concrete 'blessings' in their life

    above and beyond non-Witnesses, generally. Believing in a Creator eager to kill them for every fault is both a cause

    AND A RESULT of being compulsive.


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