How do women do it ????? Do you have no self respect ?????

by run dont walk 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    125 years of the Watchtower, and women are still considered garbage.

    They cannot give talks, have a position in the congregation, cannot lead a study when a man is present, give a prayer etc etc etc etc.........

    they can be of the annoited class, but a man who is a MS, still has more say !!!!!!!!!!

    To all the women on this board, did this ever bother you as a JW, and does it bother you know ???

    How can women sit at a meeting and in a round about way be treated like garbage and accept it ?????

  • fairy

    I dont know why that is that way....we do all the dirty work, be submissive to our husbands, husbands make the final decision even though the wife has input the husband makes the final decision and ends up doing what he wants anyway etc etc etc.......and the list goes on...........not all very uplifting is it?

    I didnt marry my husband to be a door mat, and he doesnt treat me that way either.

  • berylblue

    It bothered me then, and yes, I still hate the thought. That's why I try not to get involved in threads about the treatment of Islamic women. Considering what I let the WTS dictate to -me-, it would be hypocritical.


  • Wolfgirl

    I think my independent attitude got me in bad graces as far as the elders were concerned. I dumped the JW guy I was seeing because he expected me to be Mrs. Doormat. He said I had to do all the housework, except the vacuuming, if we got married, because he didn't know how to do any of it. I remember saying, "Well, you can learn, because I work full-time and you only work part-time." He refused to even discuss it, so I dumped him.

    I always spoke my mind around the elders, and I don't think they liked that. I refused to listen to them when they told me not to go to the police about a brother who threatened to rape and kill me. I filed police reports anyway, and they definitely weren't happy with me.

    I should have known I never would have made it as a submissive JW wife. I'm too independent and outspoken. My loving and understanding husband (an athiest) says, "You're the boss, honey." Smart man.

  • ISP

    Hey this could get new lighted in time! I've seen sisters as attendants at DC's because of the lack of males. They do most of the ministry and in time I bet the get to do other admin aspects like the accounts. Maybe more!


  • SYN

    ISP, yeah, pretty soon they're going to have to receive some new light about the treatment of women. For Ghod's sake, it's the 21st century, and Dub women are still meant to cower in fear before baby weeners!


    oh yes................i hated and still do hate the way women are viewed and treated in the borg.

    i had come out of a sick marriage and walked right into a cult. i had low self-esteem and was a people pleaser. a great combination for a disaster.

    but i have always been seen as strong and out-spoken, so i started to think that was how i should act. and i did, and it didn't go down well with the ego maniac men in the borg. i challenged them and they hated it. so when they could they df'ed me.

    well, i must have still been emotionally sick because i let them beat me up and i went back.............OMG. one elder said to my mother after i got reinstated that he thought my df'ing did me the world of good because now i was alot more humble and respectful. what a load of sh*#. i just didn't trust them anymore and viewed them as dangerous and evil.

    yes, it sucks, the way women are treated in the borg. but while there are women allowing these men to have authority over them and abuse them, these men will continue to do so. us women need to stand up for ourselves.

    that's it.

    cheers, bliss

  • blondie
    The Thyatira congregation was warned not to tolerate the evil influence of apostatizing women. Christ's spirit-inspired message to the congregation helps godly women to keep their God-assigned place today. They do not try to exercise authority over men and do not lure any brothers into spiritual or physical fornication. (1 Timothy 2:12) Instead, such women set an example in fine deeds and service to God's praise. (Psalm 68:11; 1 Peter 3:1-6)

    If you wonder what the WTS thinks of women to date, note this paragraph in an upcoming WT study article.


  • nilfun
    i had come out of a sick marriage and walked right into a cult. i had low self-esteem and was a people pleaser. a great combination for a disaster.

    I had come out of a cult and walked right into a sick marriage. I had low self-esteem and was a people pleaser. A great combination for a disaster.

    Wow, all I needed to do was switch a few words around to describe meself!



    thanks blondie for that bit of light-shedding on how the borg has regressed.

    it just makes me happier and happier to have got out of such a crazy place.

    cheers, bliss

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