Viv took me down the road to do some serious sinning...

by greven 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    Rocket man: Well we did had some music; Ozzy O. and linkin park...

    Linkin Park rocks! They're one of my favorite groups.

    LOL@drwtsn32 (how can you live with that name btw?)

    What's wrong with it?

  • WildHorses
    You will be informed on a need-to-know basis.

    I need to know. If not you will be guilty of murder, because the suspense is killing me.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ....." in the flesh ...... I showed her my ..... she seduced me into committing some serious ......... She got what she wanted ..... a little fetish....."

    Oh what juicy and evocative language dear brother. Do tell us more. We need the torture.

  • Xena

    Does it involved a cucumber? I only ask because they seem very big in Holland...I mean big as in popular of course....cause we all know size doesn't matter

  • ballistic

    Xena - congrats on the 3000.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    .."Does it involved a cucumber?"...

    I hope they warmed it up first.

    Xee, theyre only young,and they need guidance from the more experienced methinks. Perhaps we should give them some hands on demonstrations and a pointer or two to head them in the right direction.??. I wouldnt want them to get lost on the way to wonderland

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Greven. Play the role of the Elder come to visit a "spiritually sick" sister, gradually fall into the trap of offering her "comfort", the links click into place and inevitable "serious sin" follows slowly, naturally, irresistibly.

    Ex dub chicks love that game.

  • Xena
    I wouldnt want them to get lost on the way to wonderland

    there are no wrong roads....just different paths to the same place

    t/y ballistic...btw I missed you at the last two apostatefests I went to....HEY are you avoiding me????

  • rocketman

    Yeah xena, way to go on three grand posts.

  • SheilaM

    The road to debauchery LOL <cackle cackle>

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