Jehovah & the Military

by MMTP 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MMTP

    I'm not quite sure how to start this one, I'm new here and feel a bit of an outsider. My sisters and mother are Jehovah's Witnesses and have been as long as I can remember. I however, chose to follow a different path. My path now leads me to question my beliefs and life as I have lived it to this day. I am in the United States Navy and have been participating in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am actually still at sea and heading back stateside now that we have completed our part of the mission. I have had much time to myself and to three different versions of the bible. King James, The abbreveated miltary version (horrible), and a New Translation of the Holy Scriptures by the Watchtower Society. I find myself questioning everything and most especially my current 'job'. The questions that I come to are these: What does the Bible say about military service? Can I truly follow the teachings of Christ and Jehovah, and still be subserviant to this worlds government? Most importantly, how do I know what to believe? I feel as if I am going in circles with my faith as I believe one day in all the Bible says, and then the next I question everything as if I am a skeptical existentialist. I am looking for truth and answers. Bottom Line: What do I do? I'm just a bit confused. I will understand if I am shunned. Thank you for your time and patience.

    Peace be with you, my brothers & sisters.


  • Wolfgirl
    What do I do? I'm just a bit confused. I will understand if I am shunned

    Why in the world would you be shunned? We're mostly a bunch of friendly people. :) I say mostly, coz I can be a right stroppy cow sometimes. :)

    As for Jehovah and the military, it sort of goes against the "love your neighbour as yourself" law Jesus stated. But I'm sure others will be along to give much better explanations than I can.

    But if you are considering joining the JW religion, please read through this and other sites first. There are many things that the Witnesses don't know about their own religion. I was considering going back, until I read some of the info here, things found in their own literature.

  • shamus

    Shunn you??? That is not what anyone here will do, OK? You have a legitimate question, and deserve a legitimate answer...

    I, however, don't have the answer (sorry)... I just wanted to say welcome to the board, and someone will answer you very soon here.. check back in about an hour.

    Glad that you are okay, and on your way home! Stay safe!

  • MMTP

    Wolfgirl - Thank you for being understanding. I do realize the conflict of interest here between God and my current employers. Love they Neighbor and Thou shall not kill are big factors in my job. I really can't stand most of the people I work with but I try my best not to pass judgement on them. I realize that we are all just children deep down and in the mind as well at many times. We act without thinking so often by human nature that we don't even recognize one another. I have a particular beef with those last two of the ten however, since my job exclusively deals with weapon systems and physical saftey/security of the crew. What now? How do I perform my job if I truly believe in this? And could you please elaborate upon your "going back" statement? Thank you for your expedient reply.


  • blondie

    Each person has to make a decision for themselves.

    I grew up in a military family. My father said that being in the military meant facing the fact that it means killing people, whether directly or indirectly. If a solider can't do that, he/she are a hindrance to their fellow soldiers. He also said that a soldier's political views had to take second place to the views of his/her commanders. Once a solider, he/she cannot pick which wars they will fight in.

    So are your second thoughts because you personally can't participate in killing another directly or indirectly? Is it because you don't agree with this administration's choice of a target? Is it because you now feel that Jesus himself would not be a solider/warrior in any man's military?

    Only you know what is in your mind and heart. Any personal decisions others have made should not be what moves you now.

    If you still have time to serve and decide to leave, be assured that they will expect you to honor your commitment. If you decide you want to get out early, be prepared for a difficult road. You will be talking to your superiors as well as the chaplain(s) and you will need to be convinced of what you believe and well prepared to explain it to them. And you must be prepared for any consequences, dishonorable discharge, financial loss, and peer pressure and loss of respect from some.

    Whatever decision you make, I won't shun you, MMTP.


  • MMTP

    Thanks Blondie. I've already thought out all possiblities that have come to mind as of yet. Like I said, I am just confused. I don't really know what I believe or what to do. I don't think Jesus would serve in mans' military. I also do not believe we had any right to run amok in Iraq. I am not proud of our actions there, especially after talking with the marines now that we have them back. Cruel and violent things were done there that you won't see on TV or hear about, actions that I and any other human being with respect for life would rather not have happen. I question the final objective and wonder if this was not just a scapegoat operation for all of the terrorism or simply just an old fashion holy war ignited by George W. I do know that the people I work under are people I would rather not associate with, and I must do one worse and live with them. Am I to endure and make the best of all this? Should I travel the long and difficult path of discharge? I don't believe I am all too concerned with what type I would be getting. I think I am being slowly driven insane by this institution.


  • l3gi0n

    Thank you for posting, I have been researching this very dilemma my self for the last few days. I have been a witness for 27 years, although never baptized, due to person doubt. In the last few weeks, I have been thinking of actually joining the military, so I have been reading various passages in the bible, and books on the subject, I am sorry but there is no easy answer. I will post my finding later tonight, I want some comments on them,

  • blondie

    MMTP, my dad was in WW2 and Vietnam. He saw a lot of things that weren't right. That unfortunately is the nature of war. I have also worked in law enforcement and I have seen things that were not ethical or legal (I stood against that and survived). I am not excusing anything. But if you don't agree with the process and don't want to be part of it, then you have to make a decision.

    Many of us here were Jehovah's Witnesses and saw many things that were not right and could no longer be part of it so we left. Many of us lost family and friends by doing so; some lost out financially because of being in business with a JW or having many of them as clients.

    If your feelings are affecting how you do your job, think how that will affect those who serve with you. But I am saying don't be selective. That is, being willing to bomb some countries for certain reasons but not others. Then it is not a matter of killing people, whether for relgious reasons or personal conscience. It becomes a political viewpoint.


  • MMTP

    If you would like any information on the military, I will give you any and all that I can to the best of my ability truthfully. I myself am Navy and all branches have their differences. However, I am a bit biased against it all due to the lack of personal freedom. The military is a great place if you can mesh into the mold just right for almost anyone to build a career and gain an education, plus the benefits are almost unmatched by any other employers. It is an entirely different lifestyle that takes adjusting and constant adaptation. As I said, any questions I will try to answer, but if you find that answer we are both looking for, please do share.



    MMTP: welcome to the forum.

    No worries, we will NOT shun you. This is a very 'different' type of board/forum.

    It doesn't surprise me that you are feeling this way right now.

    Anytime you do anything (you name it), when you have lived your life as a Jehovah's Witness, it seems everything, and anything, conflicts with it. It can drive you crazy.

    Many of us, for a variety of different reasons had many issues and conflicts to contend with. So you're definitely not alone.

    It's very good you are examining things, questioning and thinking.

    This is an excellent place to do it. This is not a judicial committee, and we are not practicing JWs, in fact many of us have left for a multitude of reasons. So please, do not worry.

    Ask questions: deep ones, and doctrinal ones/scriptural ones.

    This is the place to do it.

    Best wishes to you MMTP.

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