WT’s SWARM airplane renamed Silver Fox and deployed to Iraq's battlefields

by Gerard 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Nothing shocks me any more where the wt is concerned, Bangladore. Involvement with Rand Cam, NGO membership with th U.N. ... Pedophile policy... false prophecies... changing teachings... etc, etc.....
    Imagine how Jesus looks upon these things...

    I feel the same way. It doesn't matter what the scandal, the vast majority of Dubs will accept the WTS's lies and blind themselves to it. They will just go into protect & serve the Organization mode.

    Think About It

  • debator


    After looking into this matter when it was first raised, we found that none of the legal corporations used by the Governing Body in caring for Kingdom interests own stock in the Rand Cam Corporation or any associate company involved in developing the diesel engine in question. The facts are that two brothers originally involved in inventing and developing the engine made a private agreement years ago (of which we were not notified) to send a portion of any profits realized from the venture to the Watch Tower Society as a gift for its worldwide work. Subsequently, circumstances required that rights to ownership and developing the engine be transferred to a holding company not controlled by them. The Watch Tower Society was erroneously listed as a stockholder in information published by the holding company, and this error has now been corrected. Hence, the charge is totally false. Moreover, the Watch Tower Society has received no contributions as a result of the original private agreement made between the two brothers.

    Read more: Does the Watchtower own any stock in Rand Cam? | Answerbaghttp://www.answerbag.com/q_view/277981#ixzz0uPTdTxgn
  • coffee_black

    Ah, debator.... if it was only one issue, and if their involvement turned out to be innocent...and if they had removed themselves from any connection with it when they found out what they were involved with.... but they didn't did they? They didn't sell the stocks, or give them away, did they? A lot of money involved.... What would Jesus have done?


  • designs

    Well finally their investment is paying off

    I knew a JW brother in California whose firm designs the lens for the spy satellites, he was very proud of the fact you could read the date on a dime from a few miles up in the sky.

    Can anyone find the old photo of Fred Franz speaking at a convention, he is gestering and it is very clear he has a Masonic ring on his finger.

    Bomb bomb bomb, Bomb bomb Iraq, Bomb bomb bomb, Bomb bomb Iraq, Oooo Bomb Iraaaaaaq (sung to the Beach Boys tune)

  • coffee_black

    It's all about the money...


  • Titus


    It is true that some Jehovah's Witnesses were really jerks...........

    We call them JWs (Jerks Witnesses)

    But I am happy that most of them are disfellowshipped...................

    Or they disassociated themselves alone.......

    And now they write idiocies about child abusing within the Organization.................

    And owning of some imaginary stocks.............

    They are not Jehovah's Witnesses.... ANYMORE...... But they still are jerks............ EVENMORE

    They cannot be disfellowshipped from "Jerkanization"............

    They could disassociate themselves if they wanted......... and if they knew how..............

    ............................. ...TITUS

  • coffee_black

    Titus.... just who was disfellowshipped over Rand Cam? The stocks were/are not imaginary. There is documentation. How many pedophiles are actually disfellowshipped for their crimes?

    Just because you don't believe the evidence, doesn't mean these issues are made up. If you want to delude yourself, you have the right to do so. You lose a lot of credibility though. Many here have been victims of pedophiles in their congs, or had family members who were. To call them "idiocies" is insensative at best, ignorant at worse.

    I think you are better than that. You seem to have blinders on regarding some issues. Over time, you will learn that you are wrong. My dad used to use the expression "I guess you'll have to learn the hard way"...by which he meant that life would teach me the valuable lesson that I refused to learn by listening... I hope you don't have to learn the hard way, by experiencing (or have one of YOUR family members experience) what countless posters here have gone through.

    Unfortunately, being a jerk is not a disfellowshipping offense... There are many many many jerks in the organization...who aren't leaving any time soon.



    The facts are that two brothers originally involved in inventing and developing the engine made a private agreement

    years ago (of which we were not notified) to send a portion of any profits realized from the venture

    to the Watch Tower Society as a gift for its worldwide work.....Debator


    The WBT$ "knowingly" accepts Profits from War..

    Whether they own the stock or not..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • Alfred

    Brochure for Silver Fox aircraft...


    interesting stuff

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