Measuring Evil

by Sam Beli 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    The measurement of evil is the subject of the article at this link; I find the tribal behavior discribed of interest to former JWs:


    Sam Beli

  • hippikon

    Thanks for that and welcome to the board. You must tell us more about youself

    "But it does move"

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Thank you for the welcome, Hippikon. I used to post a little on the old H2O; a JW for parts of six decades, and an elder for a few years. Married a pioneer who, years later would run off with another man (a non JW), quickly drop him and end up getting married a couple more times. The last I knew she was again trying to be a “good” JW.

    I am now married to a wonderful non JW. The blood issue was the “straw” that finally woke me up. Oh, I knew about the 1975 failure. I was an elder during those frantic years and was very disappointed with the WTS’s failure to admit their error and their attempt to blame the “sheep.” I was also painfully aware of the horrific and powerful role that elders could and often did play in ruining the lives of regular JWs. I found that contrary to the claims of the WTS that elders would provide shelter to those “afflicted from the storms of this world,” that the elders often were the storm from which regular JWs needed to escape and find shelter. During my last days as an elder I found it very hard to go to a meeting at he KH. The pressures and hate that I felt as I entered the KH were enormous and I missed many meeting in the end because of the dread that I felt while in the KH.

    Later I struggled to again attend meetings in other parts of the US, but my heart was not in it. Then the blood issue came up and I finally saw the hypocrisy of the WTS’ policy. I am a big “fan” of the “Truth” as exposed on LE’s web site and in Dr Muramoto’s articles. The information that these two and others have provided is very accurate and exactly on target. My family wishes that I had “died faithful” to the WTS’s blood policy, but I am extremely glad and thankful to be alive after ‘waking up” to the horrific, murderous blood policy of the WTS.

    Warm regards to all,

    Sam Beli

  • tergiversator

    Hi Sam Beli,

    Thanks for the interesting article, and welcome. You've got quite a history with the organization. I, for one, am glad that you didn't "die faithful" but instead are here to talk with us. I suspect you are too ...


  • JAVA


    Welcome to the forum, and thanks for sharing your JW background. It's interesting how former Witnesses come from various settings, yet many of our stories merge with similar themes. Thanks again for the post—nice having you here.

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • bajarama

    Hi Sam,

    Welcome!!! I was born a into the world of the witnesses in the year 1975. I remember people out in service talking about 75 from time to time. I asked my parents what happened and they always said the watchtower had nothing to do with the hype about that year. In the last few years I've found out that my parents are under wtb mind control.

    As the rest of you know the watchtower invented the whole thing.


    The watchy watchtower sat on the wall. The watchy watchtower had a great fall. All the king horses and all the kings men could not put the watchtower together again. SORRY

  • patio34

    Hi Sam,

    Welcome!!! I'm fairly new too. Your background is very interesting. Six decades! Mine is three--too long!

    Could you please clarify for me where and what "LE's website" and Dr. Muramoto's articles are?

    Always on the lookout for more info!


  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. Patio34 asked about the references in my earlier comments. “LE” refers to Lee Elder, formerly known as “The Liberal Elder.” His site contains a fine treatise of the JW blood issue and can be found here:

    Dr Muramoto is an excellent human being and a “heavy weight” in the field of neuro-science, neurology and medical ethics. He has authored many articles that have been published in the medical literature, several on the JW blood issue from the ethical prospective. His most recent published article and the many letters to the editor commenting on Muramoto’s article can be read here:

    Warm regards to all,

    Sam Beli

  • sf

    Yes, welcome Mr. Beli! Good to have another aboard with insight that tickles my insides. I am looking forward to reading more from and about you and your life experience within the tower walls; especially ex elders! Norm is another poster I file and save every post he submits. I am feeling this might too be the case with you and your posts. Hope you don't mind that I also plaster pasted text all over the internet for those lurkers who thirst for vital info on the corruption of the tower. I cut/paste text in jw chat sites and am able to bring things to people who don't really know how to search for them. So if theres a problem with this, let me know please.

    Thank you again and please, join us in yahoo messenger chat sometime. Just look for a related exjw room and join in voice chat. If you do not see one, "create room" and others will join in. Also, of course, there are indeed real, live (bwahhhhhhhhhhhh) jws on the internet EVERY SINGLE DAY! It's quite a hoot to WITNESS them in Action...(venice is on her way to washington now, cant wait til she sees this...roflolol HYGHLANDYR and SIOUX WARRIOR lololololol..lest we forget paticakes).

    Scally (roflmaoawishing venice and her family a safe trip)

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