How does the DF process begin??

by Camay 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT


    you hang in there girl --as i say:

    U GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • buffalosrfree

    Camay, get rid of him, he and the borg will always be working to drag you down to their subhuman level. go and enjoy you life, you will after awhile find it much more enjoyable without him and the influence of the Borg. Buff

  • d0rkyd00d

    Camay, i don't know if ur using the new world translation when looking up these scriptures, because that's what he'll probably use. if i were you, i'd use john 20:25. ;) Notice it says in the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION, "Unless i see in his hand the print of the nailS<-----plural, signifying more than one nail was used for his hands.

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

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