I feel cheated.

by shamus 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    I guess that the reason why I'm posting this is that I'm feeling cheated - and stupid. Stupid for not questioning the lies... Cheated for the time that I wasted....

    Just reading the book, "Crisis Of Conscience", and I am appalled. Simply appaled.

    It's pretty stupid that I could believe those lies, and fall for it. Sure, I was emotionally distressed, but why was I so blind? I just feel really bad right now. Hurt. However, I feel no anger toward anyone in the borg - just sadness. I dunno - I don't know how to put it into words.

    Is this normal? I really didn't want to revisit my leaving this religion, but, now that I am, it is actually becoming painful to relive the lies. Ignorance is bliss - is it really worth it?

    I feel beat-up.

  • Dansk
    It's pretty stupid that I could believe those lies, and fall for it. Sure, I was emotionally distressed, but why was I so blind?


    I bet almost everyone on this forum has asked themselves that very question. I certainly have - and still do! Crisis of Conscience is wondeful in that it will help you understand yourself better and you'll realise you're not alone. Millions have been duped, including people of the highest intelligence. This proves intelligence has nothing to do with one's being gullible or not. We became JWs because we believed in God, liked the good morals Watchtower espoused, agreed that other religions could do more to help people, etc - but only when we were snared ourselves did we really see the inner workings; the truth abouth the 'truth'.

    It takes immense courage to admit one has been wrong and to walk away from it. That says a great deal about your own character. I'm actually starting to like myself again and I've found true friends via this forum, rekindled some old friendships I dropped when entering the Borg, been to an apostafest (BRILLIANT!) and I'm becoming happier and more content. My wife and I, close that we've always been, are even closer, if that seems possible!

    You and I and thousands of others are on the same journey. We're not at the end yet and sharing really helps. After you've read Crisis please read In Search of Christian Freedom, which reinforces one's decision to leave Watchtower was the correct one as it answers (at least for me)further questions I asked myself, such as if there are 144,000 of the faithful and discreet slave, around 8,000 of which are still on earth, how come only a select group of 11-12 individuals make all the decisions and provide food at the proper time when the scriptures are clear that ALL the slave should be doing so?!

    Make sure you read other unconnected works (I'm reading works on Ancient Egypt and Iraq), also, as this will widen your mind - and don't be quick to rush into another religion. This isn't to say that that particular religion is wrong for you, but only that one needs time to chill out and take stock of everything. And don't look back, always look to the future!

    One must also put one's experience to good use. Think positive! I was in the Borg for 19 years and when I first left, only four months ago, I was extremely angry and bitter - some of my posts may well have reflected that. Now, I say to myself I have years ahead of me and I have 19 years valuable experience of being in a cult. I can put that experience to good use by helping others. This makes something positive out of a negative situation - and it was only "negative" because we allowed ourselves to think that way since leaving.

    I still get days when I feel a little low - like last week - but I liken this to 19 years of poison inside of me that is gradually being released. I have started to turn my garden into a wildlife garden. I've planted 150 small trees to make a hedgerow, constructed a meadow which is coming into flower and built a pond which has frogs, creepy-crawlies and a solitary female newt in it (where'd she come from?).

    Life is good now, Shamus. Enjoy your newfound journey. When you're feeling a little down, pour your heart out here and then go for a walk in the park or countryside. Imbibe nature and be thankful you're out and free.

    Best wishes.

    Your fellow-feeling friend,


  • shamus


    Thank you so much for you reply. I'm too wound up now to make up a big speech to you, but thank you. Your words really helped me. It's just too much reality at once... I thought that I left the religion b/c I was weak, and would probably die.

    Thanks again, Dansk.

  • Dansk

    Dear Shamus,

    I'm too wound up now to make up a big speech to you, but thank you. Your words really helped me. It's just too much reality at once... I thought that I left the religion b/c I was weak, and would probably die.

    No big speech is necessary. You see, you're amongst thousands who feel the same way as you. That's the beauty of posting here. One knows that 99.9% of the readers can not only sympathise with one's plight, but actually truly empathise with it too!

    Shamus, you are definitely NOT weak! On the contrary, you are courageously strong! And while we are all going to die at some time, rest assured that you are NOT going to die or be punished by God for leaving Watchtower!

    Have you ever had a gut feeling that you know something is right? I'm sure you have, and I get that gut feeling that I am right in what I do now. Whether you still believe in God or not we are custodians of the planet and I honestly feel that I am closer to God or Spirit in my respect for nature and all peoples than ever I was as a JW. I was never truly happy as a JW - but all of that is fast dissipating. I am more content than I have been for almost 20 years.

    Whereabouts are you? If you're in the UK come and visit.

    While you're feeling the way you are, it's always a good thing to write it down. Not necessarily here, but in a note book whereby you can express how you're feeling. Otherwise, feel free to be open here. The main thing is to release all you are feeling into words - you can even swear if you like, we understand.

    You WILL feel better eventually. Hang in there, Shamus, we're all rooting for you. It does get better!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Shamas it is part of the mourning process.

    And like all victims you are taking the blame for being "had".

    Keep reading you will get past both of these feelings and move towards emotional health

  • shera
    I'm too wound up now to make up a big speech to you, but thank you. Your words really helped me. It's just too much reality at once... I thought that I left the religion b/c I was weak, and would probably die.

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Shamus)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) You deserve that big hug too.

    I went threw many of your feelings that you spoke of.I left around 10 yrs ago,even tho I always had doubts about the org and there was something not right with it,I always had lingering thoughts and fears that was drilled into my head and they would play on me just about everynite of my life.Last summer is when I started to find out the BS and the history and I was so angry! The things that I still had in my mind about the org...changed many yrs ago! I found about 1975 and other dates,I was angry that I just listened and didn't do any research.If I knew about the these things I would have never became involved and I would haven't developed some of the problems I face today. Other wise I am much happier,those feelings go away after time.You will go threw many feelings but soon you will feel so free!

    Take care,


  • Brummie

    I felt physically sick when reading this book the first time round, kept closing it, opening it, closing it etc, strange how a book can have such an effect on us isnt it. I dont read it now, contains to many triggers to enjoy. I'd recommend anyone read it at least once, its good to confront it head on.


  • Rainmakerone

    every dude can say some nice s%^t to ya but hey dude they made us bleed ....... u ,,, me them know what i'm sayin

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