When Their Answer is Not Your Answer.......

by Sentinel 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sentinel

    Here is something that has often come up with me and perhaps you've experienced this situation as well. Friends or acquaintances will tell me they "prayed" about this or that and that "they got an answer". They want me to accept the answer THEY got from "god".

    The problem with this is, many times, what they are praying about directly affects me, at work or elsewhere, and I may not believe that their prayer was answered. It seems they use this ploy to get their own way in many instances and present it as though it was received "directly from god". And, it's difficult to disaggree because of the way the information is presented. Has this ever happened to you?

  • SixofNine

    Nothing of that sort has ever come my way Sentinel. It sound like you may be hanging out with a crowd that leans toward the smarmy. A scripture about bad association comes to mind, lol.

  • Sentinel

    Between the Penticostals and Southern Baptists where I work, sometimes I feel like giving them a "witness" just so they will leave me alone.

  • Ravyn

    <<< Between the Penticostals and Southern Baptists where I work, sometimes I feel like giving them a "witness" just so they will leave me alone. >>> 'NUFF SAID! try this, say, 'well that is a surprise coz I was told by god last night.....' I am serious, make it sound good, use their own lingo. tell a good story. out do them. give em the works---how you were on your knees in the closet and suddenly a light shown all around you and you felt the grace of the Lord and it moved in your mind to tell you...the answer to whatever you asked. You get the idea. Tell em, you were saved last night and told by god that you are called to 'intercessory prayer' ---THAT one will get em good. You dont have to say where you were saved, make up some story about travelling down some country road when you went to visit out of state friends, getting lost on the way and being directed to a little chapel and the minister baptized you right then and there in the stream....and how you can't find the place again--like it was angelic and just disapeared off this earth......... Ravyn

  • clash_city_rockers

    Sentenal Writes:

    Here is something that has often come up with me and perhaps you've experienced this situation as well. Friends or acquaintances will tell me they "prayed" about this or that and that "they got an answer". They want me to accept the answer THEY got from "god".

    Chances are your friends are full of rubbish. The case is NOT that they prayed and got NEW reveletory answers from God, more likely that give an answer that they FEEL SUBJECTIVELY what they think is the answer from God with out matching thier conclusion on the matter from the bible. To most people God is like Mr. Potato head, a god they fasion out of thier own hearts from a toy box. Prayer and anwer to prayer is always comformed to the bible and consistant with the bible. Prayer is always conforming God's people to his will. If you are of God and you pray sometimes you may not like the result but it is always to the benefit to the believer in the end, God is not a Ginni. Prayer is not for you to get what you want but a means of conforming you and your character to godlyness and integraty a means of sanctification for the believer.

    I hope this helps


  • clash_city_rockers

    BTW: I am a bible believing Puritan Presbyterian a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church




  • Sentinel

    Ravyn: LOL upon reading your reply. You understood my thoughts and are right on the mark! Now all I have to do, is try to recall some of your good points when this arises again. Usually, I become passive, let them have their say and go on. If it is work related and it doesn't matter that much, they can have their way; but when they start getting into "my life" in a personal way, I will definitely rise to the ocassion.

    Dash: I'm not religious, but I do respect others, as long as they don't get in my face with it. I work with a rather large group of Jesus zealots. They just happen to comprise a large portion of the mainstream religion in this area. The JW experience taught me a good lesson and I'm not getting back on that road again. You are certainly right about the connection we have with our creator. The "answers" we think we are getting to our most mundane of problems are probably skewed with our "human reasonings" as to meaning. I figure that the creator will do with me what he wants and that I really don't have much of a choice. Better to go with the plan by living a good life and being thankful. The things we need to ask for are knowledge and wisdom to make good choices.

    Thanks for the replies. Keep them coming.

  • clash_city_rockers
    sentinel writes: The "answers" we think we are getting to our most mundane of problems are probably skewed with our "human reasonings" as to meaning

    At least in some part you understand the Noetic effects of sin and how the fall has corrupted the mind.

    you also said: The JW experience taught me a good lesson and I'm not getting back on that road again

    They only way you ever could get "On the Road" is by God's grace alone changing the human heart and will.

    finally you said: I figure that the creator will do with me what he wants and that I really don't have much of a choice. Better to go with the plan by living a good life and being thankful. The things we need to ask for are knowledge and wisdom to make good choices.

    That seems inconsistant. What is the use of being thankfull if your outside the circle of grace? I mean if your going to be condemed then what do you have thanks for? How can one live a good life outside the regenrating and redemptive grace, are you sugesting your own (corrupted) works as merit to earn salvation from God? Why not give in to the easy way of salvation and Just repent of your sin and trust Jesus.

    sola fide,


  • Sentinel

    Sorry, jr, but you are coming off like a preacher. I'm not offended because I believe you believe you have the right way.

    I cannot agree with you and I am not sorry about it. Religion is man-made and twisted beyond redemption. I really don't know what part Jesus was meant to play, other than being a loving, compassionate teacher, an enlightened individual, with abilities that most of us suppress in ignorance and misunderstanding.

    Trading one religion for another is not for me. This is not from ignorance, I assure you. I've studied many religions, and find them all lacking. Take care. Be happy. This is your life to live the way you choose.

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