Elders warning other congregations...

by MoeJoJoJo 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • MoeJoJoJo

    Elders from the hall we attended for three years before we left the org, called the elders at our old hall (in another state!) to tell them that my husband had been DA'd. My husband's family attends that hall. Now those elders are giving his family a hard time about their association with us.

    Don't know if they actually announced it to the congregation, I'll have to find out.

    Talk about control, is this what's normally done? I didn't know they would go that far...calling the hall we used to attend......His family already knew he was going to be DA'd though.

  • JT
    Talk about control, is this what's normally done? I didn't know they would go that far...calling the hall we used to attend....

    yep very common indeed - I have made the 2nd and 3rd announcement many times myself that was recieved from a sister hall as well as called up other elders bodies to inform them

    This is esp done if the persons are well known, well respected in the org, and have the ablitilty to have an affect on others due to titles, etc

    rarely is this done if the person poses "No threat" such as smoking offense or getting a little "Coochie" on the side, or just sister single parent-

    but when it comes to DOCTRINAL DFing or DAing, THEY often times will inform others TO BE ON GUARD WHEN THEY SEE YOU and the reason is simple-

    you are a risk to them, the congo need to know that you are a cancer as it were- this is just another example of why i tell folks DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THE CHEESE AND CRACKER MEN - you will lose lose lose-

    keep this in mind:

    Never Argue with an Idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with Experience!!

  • Hamas

    Unfortunately, It is another shining example of Witness control. The elders seem to have a superiority complex, they must tell others about this wicked man that is part of a new congregation.

    Just think of it as the only gossip they can grab their hands on; they really are sad little men. Give them all the middle finger.

  • TresHappy

    I've heard of this happening, especially where the former group of elders are hard core. I think, like always, it depends on who you know.

  • Joyzabel


    any congo that you were ever associated with will get the "announcement".

    I was attending my brother's wedding a few weeks back and people that watched me grow up (ok, a long time ago ) were the ones who did the best shunning!! I hadn't been apart of that congregation for over 30 years!!!!

    You've got to love the gossip mill of the JWs.


  • Shutterbug

    I suppose the goal is control, but it sure sounds like harassment to me. When it comes to keeping folks from their families these people are the best, they are also the lowest of the low. Bug

  • MoeJoJoJo

    Thanks for the replies. I still can't believe the lengths the organization will go to. Its mind-boggling. Information control at its best. It is so sickening that the elder that is giving my husband's parents the roughest time about associating with him, grew up with my husband as best friends, they were like brothers. This all seems like a really strange nightmare.

  • rocketman

    Normally, it's not announced in any other congregations, but, I have had one instance of an elder calling me (when I was an elder) to tell me that a brother who used to be in our Hall was df'd (he had since moved away).

    So it seems par for the controlling course that they'd get on the phone and call people from other congregations. In reality, they let word-of-mouth do the announcing for them.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Yet I remember when some of us were trying to get info on somebody who had moved away that we heard was df'd, da'd or marked as bad association (can't remember...pretty sure it was df'd), those of us who were concerned and tried to get information were counseled for gossip. Well, no, we were trying to get accurate info instead of gossip (this was a huge problem in our hall...the PO squelched info from normal channels so we were forced to do everything by word-of-mouth).

    I'll let you guess - did our PO really like this person and have a reputation for protecting them when they went to our hall? Oh yeah.

    One sister was ticked. She said if a person had connections to our hall we were supposed to be informed so we didn't associate with them 'accidentally' and talk to or eat with a person who was df'd.

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