Why some are religious or not?

by Vidqun 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • waton
    But the way obviously intelligent people and often sceptical people who question other things, can still be believers never ceases to astonish me.

    S: with due respect, Some of the most practical thinkers, have been deists, true believers not having religiosity. closet ones today.

    It takes real faith to believe that the universe made itself, when even bare energy is uncreated.

  • Vidqun

    A introduction to Bill Gates and his depopulation agenda:


  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Vidqun, there is nothing sinister in saying that the world's human population needs to be reduced and there is nothing sinister in saying that the world's population should be vaccinated. The world is over populated with humans and thus the human population does need to be reduced - but by people voluntarily limiting the number of babies they procreate into existence. Likewise to protect those humans who are alive, the most majority of people (for their own sake) should get vaccinated. I have chosen to never have children (and to never impregnate anyone - even if I get married) and I chose to get (and did get) two doses of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. I have no regrets in getting the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, and I will probably get a Covid-19 booster shot vaccine.

    Some say that the Covid-19 vaccine causes diabetes, but when I had tests done on my blood last week the the results were normal. Even the blood sugar levels were in the normal range. This is first time to my knowledge that my blood sugar levels (A1C and fasting glucose) tested with the current definition of the normal range. I first requested blood testing about 13 years ago and from then through three years the A1C blood sugar tests always came out either 5.9% or 6.0 blood sugar (about 13 years such was barely considered normal, but now the threshold of normal has been reduced from the high end being 6.0% to being at 5.7%). I have been trying hard during the past 4 years to get it down to below 5.% and thus normal, but with no success in the tests I took up 3 years ago. The blood tests I took last week were the first ones I took since 3 years ago. Finally my sugar blood tested NORMAL - it tested at 5.5% for the A1C and 93 mg/dL for the fasting blood sugar! Yippe!

    From early childhood (at least since grade school) till about 1.5 years ago I would always feel nauseous if I skipped entirely both breakfast and lunch, and even feel dizzy (and even become severely dehydrated in about 24 hours) if I skipped both breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the same day. By now I feel fine even when I don't eat anything at all in 24 (or as a test, even in 48) hours straight! I am now cured!

    The vaccine didn't cure me of prediabetes. I think cure was achieved by me starting (and continuing to do) intermittent fasting, as well adding cinnamon and turmeric to some of my meals, besides continuing (for 4 years) to strive to sharply limit my intact of sugars. But the point is, the my blood sugar health improved despite getting the vaccine. I strong disbelieve that the Covid-19 vaccines cause diabetes. I also no longer miss sugary foods. I don't crave desserts, provided I don't let myself eat more than a small amount of them (if I let myself eat more than a small amount of dessert then it will trigger cravings for my dessert). My body feels better when I don't indulge in eating high sugar products.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Update: In my prior post where I said "... down to below 5.% ..." I meant to say "... down to below 5.7% ...". Where I said "... I took up 3 years ago ..." I meant to say "... I took up to 3 years ago ...". Where I said "... my intact of sugars" I meant to say "... my intake of sugars".

    Things are looking much better for me in regards to my blood sugar levels and related health condition.

  • Vidqun

    Hey there Disillusioned, everything of the best with your pre-diabetes. I also struggle with blood sugar. I might have developed it by (un)natural Western eating habits or the Flu vaccine. In it was a substance that induced a diabetic condition in rats. I agree, fasting and exercise help. But I am on Metformin, which also helps to control it.

    I was not aware that diabetes could be induced by the COVID-vaccines. I see there are a few studies on it. Note, Bill Gates has a depopulation agenda, as well as a vaccine strategy. E.g., a five dose tetanus vaccine in Kenya contained HCG which could cause sterility. In the COVID vaccines graphene oxide is added. Quite a few articles show graphene oxide concentrates in the ovaries and testes. They are now talking of vaccinating children and babies. I wonder why. A child has a 99.98 % chance on not contracting COVID. Last but not least, gynecologists in Israel can distinguish whether a woman was vaccinated or not by the state of her uterus.

    How do you test for it? Graphene oxide is magnetic. Take a fridge magnet and stick it to your arm. If it sticks, you now contain graphene oxide, toxic substance. It can also be used as a marker. If you put your cellphone on Bluetooth mode and close to the vaccination site you will notice you have a vaccine identification number. It works for Pfizer and AstraZeneca, not sure about Moderna. If you put it all together, it is suspicious, won't you agree?

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Vidqun, I knew that the vaccines contain nanoparticles (which I think are made of graphene), but I didn't read until I read your post today that the graphene (if any) were magnetic. I heard from a co-worker and read online that the vaccines (at least one brand) contained iron particles. The co-worker said that soon after the receiving the injection a refrigerator magnet stuck to the injection site of her arm. I then placed a powerful magnet by the injection site of my arm (this was weeks after I had the injection) and I couldn't detect any tugging of my skin towards the magnet. After reading your post I searched the internet regarding magnetic graphene oxide. A science article says the substance exists, but fact checking sources which I trust say the substance is not in any of the Covid-19 vaccines.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    I would post a link to one such article (as documentation about magnetic graphene oxide not being in the vaccines), such as to Reuters, but the very conservative moderator would probably consider the articles to be liberal propaganda and thus intolerable, and thus delete the post. As result, I refrain from posting the links but you search for the articles yourself.

  • Vidqun

    Disillusioned, depends on who pays the fact checkers. Obviously somebody is lying. Interesting is the role of aborted fetal cells in the development of the vaccines. I am surprised that JWs are so quick to "obey the superior authorities" and accept the jabs. In my time as a JW we qualified it by "we must obey God rather than men."

    “Vaccines” from the four major pharmaceutical companies were analysed by Dr. Young: Pfizer/BioNTech (“Pfizer”); Moderna/Lonza mRNA-1273 (“Moderna”); Vaxzevria by AstraZeneca (“AstraZeneca”); and, Janssen by Johnson & Johnson (“Janssen”).

    Liposome capsids are fatty lipid capsules. We are told their purpose is to envelope the mRNA to protect the genetic material from breaking down before it has reached its target – our body’s cells. All four Covid “vaccines” contain relatively high levels of graphene oxide but both the Pfizer and Moderna liposome capsids are 100% graphene oxide (after extracting the mRNA).

    Graphene oxide is cytotoxic, genotoxic, and magneticotoxic. The image below shows the liposome capsid containing graphene oxide in the Pfizer “vaccine.” The liposome delivers the graphene oxide to specific organs, glands and tissues, namely: the ovaries and testes; bone marrow; heart; and, brain.

    The Moderna “vaccine” also contains many spherical foreign bodies with some bubble-shaped cavities. These highly toxic nano particulate composition are quantum dots of cadmium selenide which are cytotoxic and genotoxic. Quantum dots are semiconductor nanoparticles that glow a particular colour after being illuminated by light. The colour they glow depends on the size of the nanoparticle. The black spots on the image below are graphene oxide.


    A whistleblower employed by vaccine maker Pfizer has leaked a chain of emails by company executives discussing how to best withhold information from the public on the use of fetal cell lines derived from an aborted baby in the development of the Pfizer vaccine.


    Here's an article that mentions why Reuters fact checkers are batting for Pfizer and the World Economic Forum.


  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Vidqun, I might have been incorrect in thinking that the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine contains graphene. I say that because the CDC at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/Moderna.html#ingredients in their "Full list of ingredients" for that vaccine doesn't list graphene, at least not by that name. See also https://www.fda.gov/media/144638/download . There the FDA lists the ingredients and there it doesn't list graphene either.

    I put much more confidence in the FDA information (even more when also confirmed by fact checking of news agencies I consider to be highly reliable in their reporting) about the ingredients in the vaccines than I do in the clams of some conspiracy blog about the same substances.

    The FDA at https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/moderna-covid-19-vaccine-frequently-asked-questions under the heading of "Q: What data did the FDA evaluate in support of the emergency use authorization of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 18 years of age and older?" says "Based on the scientific evidence available, the FDA concluded that the known and potential benefits of a two-dose primary series of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine outweigh the known and potential risks for people 18 years of age and older." On the same web page the FDA says "There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the vaccine could cause infertility in women."

    It is true that the manufacturers of the vaccines are the ones who test them and report their safety data to the FDA, but that is because all manufacturers (at least to my knowledge) of drugs/medications are required by the FDA to test their products and report the safety data to the FDA.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Update: Vidqun, I notice that the Australian National Review webpage you posted a link to looks scientific on the surface. But, then I also noticed that the bottom of the page says the following. "Australian National Review is Australia’s first real free and independent press, one with no editorial control by the elite, but a publication that can generate critical thinkers and critical debate and hold those spreading mistruths and deliberate propaganda in mainstream media to account." Since it is thus biased (at least in my mind) against the mainstream media and since I have found the mainstream media to be very reliable and not lying propaganda, I thus am very suspicious of the the Australian National Review article about the vaccines. Notice that though it said "those spreading mistruths and deliberate propaganda in mainstream media" it said nothing about "those spreading mistruths and deliberate propaganda in non-mainstream media" nor in conservative media. To me that indicates it is biased, despite that it also says 'free and independent press, one with no editorial control by the elite".

    We are in a situation where there are news sources which say things which contradict what other news sources say, which it makes hard to decide what to believe. We thus tend to choose those sources whose content is consistent with our existing experiences, beliefs and values. As a result, we likely won't be able to reach consensus/agreement on certain topics. That is disappointing, but that is the way it is - and human society will likely become much ideologically divided over time. When it comes to news content it is like we are living in the wild west time period of the USA, but in regards in 'dueling' words in news, videos, and blogs - instead of gun fights in the wild west. Parts of the internet are wild places fraught with dangerous ideas and dangerous lies being promoted as truths.

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