To the lurkers: This cult of a religion keeps killing my marriage over and over

by goingthruthemotions 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • goingthruthemotions

    First let me say, if i could turn back time and never get involved with this cult. I would.

    to the lurkers:

    • if you on the fence and could leave. then do it.
    • if you are dating a jw, leave , don't waste your life. they are damaged goods mentally, controlled by a cult
    • if you can't leave and are awake...but your spouse is not. My heart goes out to you.
    • if you are an active JW...and are dropping in to defend the cult. All i could say is " Your in a POS cult, that destroys families!!!!!!!! there is no defending this fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    if we never got involved in this cult, my marriage/family would be so much better. i just keep trying to take it day by day...but, i keep taking hit after hit after hits. i hate the fake people and the mind control.

  • just fine
    just fine
    I am sorry you are going through this. So many families are destroyed or made disfunctional by this cult.
  • Wild_Thing
    It is very difficult to deal with when you are the only person in the room with your eyes wide open. I totally get it!
  • fiddler

    Gttm, all you say is true. Vent away. I sometimes wonder what life would have been like without the cult; if we'd have gotten out sooner. My husband left first (1998) then he died (2001) of cancer. I wonder sometimes if it was the religion that killed him. The cult of JW sucks all will, life, and personal power out of a person. Killing a person's spirit would understandably lead to dis-ease and death.

  • goingthruthemotions

    talking with my wife is so frustrating. she is so brainwashed!!!!!!!!!!!

    the more i push away, the deeper she goes into the cult.

    I truly hate this F%%king cult!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • zeb
    Mine has gone to a convention day. she will come home tired and cranky and be out doing the witnessing work tomorrow resulting more of the above. I have seen to the house so she cant complain there. but she is NOT happy. If I were to ask "how did it go?" as a merely a form of politeness I will get the jab that "You should have been there". So I don't ask and as you say that is a further no communication.
  • nugget

    It is true that despite their propaganda the truth is that no one in the religion has a normal family life. The family is of less value to them than the organisation they worship. Family relationships are conditional on belief and non believers can be treated cruelly and harshly and they feel justified in doing it. They will tell people they love them and are being cruel to be kind but they don't really know what love is.

    The pain and misery they cause through their attempts at control is unforgiveable and the religions intrusion into marriage is sickening. Married couples should talk to one another, share their thoughts and plans and make decisions about their life together based on mutual respect. In the witness world this doesn't truly happen because husbands and wives are constantly policing how their spouse conforms to the policies of an organisation. They make few decisions together since they have limited choices they can make. Elders intrude into the most intimate aspects of marriage and if one partner slips they lose all control since they are sidelined and elders step in and take control of the spouse that is still in.

    I have seen the pain in my fathers marriage and how unreasonable and intolerable it is. This is not a religion of love and never has been it is a religion about control and profit and people who follow it don't need to be happy they just need to be obedient.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy
    Commiserations man. It definitely stifles free conversation. I'm in a similar situation, but it's not too bad for me. I just wish a normal conversation could be had about the big issue of the "truth". Very frustrating..
  • oppostate

    Same here, same type of situation. I agree it is an F'ing cult that F's with members emotions and minds.

    The WT hierarchy has fine tuned their skills for many decades, manipulating and controlling, destroying families, sucking the life out of them for their own aggrandizement and benefit.

  • Crazyguy

    my wife and I don't really even talk anymore. Some stuff about the kids etc but if course nothing about the cult and she even goes off to monthly broadcast night and assemblies with out even telling me what's she's doing. Its all some bid secret of course as if your not in then your not even worth thier time. I stay for the kids but it kills me how much Brian washing is going on. These new broadcasts and videos are going to make it harder to get ones out I believe. I'll keep planting seeds and hope to wake up my kids but thier still young. If they were older and on thier own me and the wife would be over. Its really sad how a make believe guy in the sky has more power over people then living breathing living people. All I can say is hang in there create a life with out them and be happy. Maybe in time your wife will see your happy with out them and her brain will wonder why.

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