The story of GOD.

by James Mixon 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Sunday 9 p.m April 3rd. Morgan Freeman asks questions on faith., National Geographic Channel.

    While posting this two sisters came to my door and encouraging me to come back things have changed

    since 1975 , and then they said "you should come back to Jehovah be fore it's to late we made mistakes

    in the past but things are really getting bad." LOL

  • Perry
    Wish they would come to my door. I never had even one.
  • naazira

    So you should return due to the fear of dying at Armageddon and not out of love for Jehovah.

  • cofty
    things are really getting bad.


  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    The one lady ask, " were you DF"? Afterward I thought, if you walk away you are DF if you

    disagree with the teaching in most cases, in their minds I must have done something terrible.


    The one lady ask, " were you DF"? Afterward I thought, if you walk away you are DF if you

    disagree with the teaching in most cases, in their minds I must have done something terrible.....James Mixon

    If someone is DF`d..

    What Goes Through the Average JW`s Mind?..


    .....Image result for obsessed with sex

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Yes "sex". That's the only reason people leave Jehovahs loving organization, they are

    selfish, independent thinkers, and for some reason they believe the GB are bone heads.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Anyone watch the show? If so what do you think. Next Sunday 9th the series "Apocalypse"

    Examining how various faith traditions consider the End of Days. It was interesting, when did

    the idea of after life began ask by Freeman. In Christianity it was with Jesus, of course we knew that.

  • EdenOne

    I watched it. It was interesting and well written, and I love Morgan Freeman; but for the time being, a bit shallow. I hope it digs deeper in the next few episodes.


  • Heaven

    James said: It was interesting, when did the idea of after life began ask by Freeman.

    The Egyptians believed in an after life before Christianity was invented. The Christians have adopted and then adapted a lot of Pagan beliefs. Christmas, for example, is the Pagan holiday Yule and the celebration of the 'birth of the sun' aka the Winter Solstice. Christians changed the date slightly and called it 'the birth of the son'.

    If you want to convince people of a certain faith to convert to yours, I guess you have to adopt some or maybe most to all of the other faiths' traditions. And then, when they don't convert, threaten and torture them until they do.

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