Speedy Gonzales and Pepe The French Spunk And Others Are Offensive!

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeffro

    It’s interesting that a lot Murdoch news is also generally paywalled but this trivial divisive nonsense is openly available.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Nobody had better cancel Speedy Gonzales again. They tried it once and it backlashed. It turned out the Mexicans like him, viewed him affectionately as a mascot. As usual, the white liberal butts in and causes trouble.

  • Davros
    Both sides of the ‘debate’ are trivial divisive nonsense.

    Jeffro. Yes, I agree with you 100% on that statement.

    Unfortunatly, too many people, both on the left and right, pay FAR too much attention to trivial divisive nonsense.

  • mickbobcat

    The good news is this will fall apart. It will be devastating to the stupid libtards. McCarthyism collapsed, the Salem witch trials, ect. On the chopping block now are the pre 73 revised Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Little house on the prairie, Peter Pan, The secret garden, and The cat in the hat, and the giving tree. The thing is with this mindless libtard idiocy is that it will eat itself up its so insane. Over 80% of the American people think this has gone way too far. Now with the dottering old fool Biden who is senile and his open borders and other out and out just stupid ass crap his honey moon will turn to divorce sooner rather than later.

  • WTWizard

    I only expect it to get much worse. Ultimately, everything is going to be so blah that it will not be worth anything. We will all be fully enslaved, with nothing to distract from the unending drudgery.

    How much worse? Just try listening to some music from the 1950s or 1960s. Songs like Purple People Eater, On Top of Spaghetti, and the like actually had character missing in today's music. You get the 1970s, with Earache My Eye. The 1980s and 1990s also had some songs that had character. We Are the World, Money For Nothing, and artists like TLC, Prince, and Def Leppard lent character to these years. Not to mention bands like Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, and the Eagles.

    Today, we have everything that is the least bit fun taken right out. It all sounds the same--and it is rubbish. You will not find another Led Zeppelin coming out--if anyone were to put out anything that good, it would immediately find itself in the trash can before being released. And it would not surprise me if they make it impossible to find such music--along with the movies and books they are now banning (too bad the bible is not one of them).

    It might already be too late for some of your favorite books and movies, but you might still be able to find and download music from Led Zeppelin, The Bee Gees, The Doors, The Everly Brothers, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Fleetwood Mac, TLC, and Ratt. You can download them piecemeal or whole albums, but I recommend doing it now before those classic songs and albums disappear forever. And back up the downloads onto multiple devices--you might never be able to find them again. Rather, they will offer boring rubbish like Barbra Scheißand and Yanni, along with the rubbish that sounds like every other piece of rubbish available.

    Nothing like that Purple People Eater song--by the way, that was a Number One song in 1958 but probably would be "too inappropriate" today.

  • Rattigan350

    Stereotypes exist because there is a great percentage of a group being viewed as doing that.

    JWs have the stereotype of being in pairs and standing in doors.

    If stereotypes are considered bad, then stop doing those things.

    I don't see what is bad about being the fastest mouse in all of Mexico.

  • minimus

    Jeffro sees no real evidence of anything really happening here. It’s just “nonsense” .

  • slimboyfat

    Speedy Gonzales was my favourite

  • minimus


  • Jeffro


    Jeffro sees no real evidence of anything really happening here. It’s just “nonsense” .

    There you go manufacturing my position again. But I actually said that both sides are trivial divisive nonsense. Obviously this includes the assessment of harmless tropes as ‘offensive’. A cartoon from the 1950s, that you otherwise rarely think about, falling out of popularity in itself is indeed trivial. It is the divisive nonsense itself that is harmful.

    It is telling that a single paywalled opinion piece in one newspaper is trumpeted worldwide by the Murdoch press though.

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