What GOD says about US.

by Blueblades 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    According to the Bible here is what GOD says about us.

    The man has become like one of us,throw him out of the garden,don't let him live forever.

    I regret that I even made man.I am going to wipe him out!

    The inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up,so I am not going to call evil down upon him anymore,I'll just let him grow old get sick and die!

    There is nothing that they may have in mind to do,let's confuse their language,that will slow them down until Bill Gates comes along!

    I know I said I WON'T WIPE THEM OUT ,but, I'll just wipe out those two cities,Sodom and Gommorah! but,I won't wipe out Satan!

    I know that the heart is more treacherous then anything else and is desperate, who can know it.but,that's no excuse.

    ok, David, I agree that in sin your mother conceived you and that's why you committed murder and adultery.

    If we are born in sin,inclined toward bad,have a heart that is desperate and treacherous,things beyond our control and in addition plagued by our environment,and Satan.

    And all the scholarly confusion from the great minds of man,who give unanswered questions,it's anyones guess ,in all fields of the God things and Bibical interpertations!

    Does it make any logical sense that man should have go through all this confusion,horror and death, when God admits man is bent out of shape and can't do what God requires of him in this condition.And yet God will still hold him responsible to do what he simply cannot do in this condition,or punish him severly,now and later.

    Now I know God says good things about man also,yet ,it does not matter ,because ,we still undergo the present short life span with all it's strains.

    Blueblades,venting again!

  • berylblue

    Excellent points...And people say I'M multiple

  • Blueblades

    Is there an explanation which will make sense of it all?

    Is there any satisfying answer?

    Are there learned explanations?

    Even so,in the end,there is still the pain,the anquish,the sense of unfairness that remains.

    Maybe the true answers are found at death ,maybe not????


  • SYN

    Technically, Ghod hasn't "said" anything for over 2000 years. The Christian Ghod, that is.

  • Francois

    Two thousand years? I don't personally believe that God has ever uttered a single word to anyone on this planet at any time since the beginning of man (although I think it's possible he might have conversed with Jesus late in his life here).

    Think about it. Any time any thing happened on this planet which primitive man didn't understand, which was frequent, primitive man attributed whatever it was to God, when in fact it was man's own imagination, or it was an angel or some other phenomena. Again, I don't believe that God has ever had a conversation with any mortal man...ever. Including Abram, Moses, David or anyone else.

    I do believe the Divine Will was somehow abrogated on this planet, and not by man, but by some sort of cosmic planetary authority gone bad of his own freewill choosing. This abrogation has caused untold problems on this planet not the least of which is our lack of a supreme and final spiritual authority on earth, resulting in a plethora of different "only true" Gods, and "one true" religions. Additionally, I believe it has caused us to be spiritually and even physically quarantined from all other life in the universe ever since. However, NONE OF THIS is our fault, it is chargable to whoever the planetary authority was that allowed the Divine Will to be abrogated in the first place.

    I think, I believe, that the Universe of Universes TEEMS with life, that it is just lousy with planets, and all those dodecahillions of planets are absolutely crawling with life; life of every conceivable type and style, life as we have never conceived of it; life in each and all stages of animal and spiritual evolution; life everywhere struggling with the same invitation/command, "Be you perfect as your Father in Heaven in perfect." And the spiritual and cosmic economy of each of these planets is directed by its own assemblage of spirit and spiritual helpers whose job is it to assist in guiding us in the proper direction. It's the only thing that makes sense.

    However, as stated, someone of and in authority on our world screwed the Moose as they say in Upper British Columbia, and all our spirit connections that we could be directly aware of were broken. And just as soon as whatever it was that was broken is repaired, we will again be welcome in the cosmic streams of communication with other planets. Right now, however, and for ages, we have been that proverbial "bad apple."

    I also believe (since you asked, hehehe) that the role of the Master was not to win us back the affection of an offended Lord, or to die a grisly death to make up for our screw ups that we inherited from "Adam & Eve" (which is nothing but a pleasing fable designed for primitive, illiterate, savage ears). Jesus was here for a number of other reasons which included a) showing God to Man; showing Man to God; and showing Man to Himself, b) to illuminate The Way of spirit progression to man, and c) to begin putting aright whatever it was that got screwed up at the beginning of the evolution of sentient life here so that we can and will be spiritually and socially fragrant to the rest of creation once again...and not dangerous to them, either.

    And what about my conceptualization is impossible, improbable, or not as good as any other concept about life as it is lived on this planet? It certainly paints a better, more compassionate picture of God as a loving Father than any other, and it does admit completely of evolution, such that there should be NO argument between religion and science. I like my idea. It's so reasonable. So rational. So peaceful. So possible. So pregnant. So start shooting it down if you like. I'm a big boy; I can take it.


  • Introspection

    Don't take this the wrong way, because I am speaking generally to everyone who may feel this way - but I would think that if the bible didn't provide a satisfactory enough explanation for someone they would get off that horse and start looking elsewhere. Even people who say their whole deal is based on the bible read other stuff, it's just that it focuses on interpreting the bible. It helps to "widen out" in your search.

    It helps to know your assumptions, which is often unconsciously taken as true without question. For one thing a lot of people do seem to assume that only the bible has anything to say about God, I mean isn't that just a little bit of a narrow view? Aside from that there's also the assumption that God is like people, there's a personality and he's .. well a he, not that that means a she is the only other understanding - but also people just take the idea of God being a person like the rest of us, but he who knows a lot more stuff and is a lot more powerful, so of course by this logic we're pretty miffed that he's not giving a hand to help us out with all the day to day crap we deal with.

    Well, what if none of these assumptions are true?

    I guess in a nutshell what I'm trying say is, instead of trying to make sense of all that we've been taught, give up those assumptions and just try to see what is true. You might try to see things from other perspectives, not so much trying to fit little pieces into this existing belief system which you already know does not work, but taking on that view as a whole to really see what it's about. What have you got to lose? All you're giving up is a thought.

  • Blueblades

    My comments demonstrate that I don't assume the Bible to be the inspired word of God.I said ,"According to the Bible God said this about us".It was only a small portion of what writers claim God said about man.There is much,much more.

    .However,I have stopped looking to the Bible for answers and I am widening out looking elsewhere,including what others have written on this board about in my search for the meaning of life.

    I have just begun to read "The Story of Philosophy"by Will Durant.Its about the lives and opinions of the world's greatest philosophers from Plato to John Dewey.

    The Story of Philosophy chronicles the ideas of the great thinkers,the economic and intellectual environments which influenced them,and the personal traits and adventures out of which each philosophy grew.

    It covers,Plato,Aristotle,Bacon,Spinoza,Voltaire,Kant,Schopenhauer,Spencer,Nietzsche and others.528 pages


  • Francois

    Hey Blueblades, please let me recommend two books for you.

    First is The Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu. Excellent discourses in free-form poetry about the nature and character of God. From 600 B.C.

    Second is "The Religions of Man," by Houston Smith. The best contemplation of the world's religions I've ever seen. Even handed. Fair minded. A great read.



  • Blueblades

    Hi FRANCOIS,Thank you so much for your help and recommendations.I have already read your recommendation about Eric Hoffer's book "The True Believer" Thoughts on the nature of mass movements.

    I will get those two books -The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu,and The Religions of Man by Houston Smith.

    I have read many of your posts,there is much food for thought in your posts,while I don't comment all the time ,I do appreciate all that I read. Thanks again.


  • Reborn2002


    I thought blueblades logical presentation of blatant hypocrisies of a so-called Christian God would be a good read for the Bible-thumpers who frequent this board.

    Yet they find excuses (however irrational) to legitimize religion.

    Thanks for the recommendations Francois. I will be looking for those books.

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