Belgium: Jehovah's Witnesses in court to respond to incitement to hatred

by yalbmert99 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • yalbmert99
  • cha ching
    cha ching

    From what I read, using a translation, JWs will have to appear before the criminal court of Ghent on Tuesday, for inciting hatred against former members.

    A former JW went to Ghent's prosecutor's office in 2015 because he claimed that when people left the organization, "they were ostracized, and isolated by order of the organization." This is in violation of Belgium's anti-discrimination law, claiming slander, defamation and insult.

    The prosecution charged not only Jehovah's Witnesses for these things against this man, but also as a group, on the basis of that man's religious beliefs.

    It seems as tho 15 other people joined that group, and also Unia joined. They are the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism, it promotes & protects human rights.

    Hopefully, religion will soon have to conform to the rights of Humanity vs. humans having to conform to the rights of inhumanity because it is a "religious right."

  • yalbmert99
  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    So, JW's are the most loving group in the world, except when they are not?

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    It used to be that a person attended the Kingdom Hall voluntarily and but were convinced to check their human rights and rights as a Citizen, at the door. Hopefully those days are little by little becoming a thing of the past.

  • yalbmert99

    Yes JWs love you only if you obey their leaders, otherwise, they will hate you.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    This is striking at the heart of what JWs see as religious "freedom". I hope it runs and runs.

  • yalbmert99

    Yes I hope too

  • Phizzy

    J.W org, if they lose in the Belgique Courts are silly enough , and arrogant enough, to take this all the way to the European Supreme Court of Justice.

    If they lose at the highest Court, then the Ruling has Power in all member States, and other Jurisdictions out side of the E.U take note .

    I hope that scenario plays out !

  • yalbmert99

    Let's hope for the best!

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