Marital sex

by Tedeily 12 Replies latest social relationships

  • Tedeily

    my wife and I have always shared naked photos respectfully over the years. Being the only thing to fill that void in our relationship due to being apart. Recently my wife has become Jehovah, and we’re not sure if my wife is allowed to respectfully share herself with me while I am away. Any help on this topic would be very appreciated thank you.

  • sir82

    Recently my wife has become Jehovah

    Yikes! That's a real buzzkill.

    Remember what to say if she asks ""

  • Finkelstein

    Oh man your in real trouble once the JWs cult gets into her mind.

    The JWS religion has strict regulations toward marital sex between a husband and wife..

    Just a heads up warning

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Keep quiet. Photos have a way of slipping out. As to what is allowed between mates it is NOT the business of anyone else.

  • Tameria2001

    Just keep in mind also the Watchtower will say things that will make your wife feel guilty about perfectly normal sexual relations between you and her. It won't be a thing mentioned once in a blue moon, but quite often. I would suggest doing research in this area so when the time comes, and it will, so you will know how to handle this situation.

  • minimus

    lol is this for real? I doubt it

  • RandomUserName3500

    You're screwed.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    Recently my wife has become Jehovah, and we’re not sure if my wife is allowed to respectfully share herself with me while I am away.

    If she gets caught, she could wind up on the cover of Disfellowshipped ! magazine.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Don't think the elders would support sexting even between married couples. If they get wind of this they might want to thoroughly investigate the matter. But on the positive side, at least you have a backlog of prior photos to review.

  • joe134cd

    Troll I say. If not, go tell them to jump in the lake.

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