Got my memorial invite yesterday...

by OneEyedJoe 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spectre

    Since JWs are legends in their own minds and are coming from a place of ultimate authority, I think they think all they need to do for "encouragement" is say, "I know I'd sure love to see you there." In their minds there is never a reason to leave so the problem is you and so to them, "you know in your heart it's The Truth(tm)" so I think they get lazy when trying to encourage former members.

    My aunt and uncle stopped by to see me a couple years ago and after an hour visit he said, "you know, Armageddon is still coming anytime now." Because he said that I know they counted their time for the whole hour.


    Yep, any minute now......


  • Vanderhoven7

    I got my invite yesterday as well. I just may attend; perhaps eat the bread and drink the grape-juice as well.

    Hopefully I can lure one or two to pay me a visit and we could discuss the issue of interpretation.

  • Athanasius

    During the 16 years that I've lived at my present address, the JWs have been by just two times. A couple of years ago two JWs came by looking for deaf people. Last year we weren't home when they stopped by, but they left a tract.

    So maybe this month they will come by with an invite.

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