JW Gump

by Esse quam videri 1 Replies latest social humour

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    [....The scene opens with JW Gump being summoned by the Governing Body....]

    GB Lett: JW GUMP !

    JW Gump: Yes Sir, Governing Body member, Lett, SIR!

    GB Lett: Just what is your job at the Watchtower Organization, JW Gump?

    JW Gump: To do exactly what you tell me to do, Governing Body Lett, SIR!

    GB Morris III : JW Gump, that is the best darned answer I have ever heard.

    GB Splane : Yes, that is exactly what we want to hear.

    BG Jackson: Keep up the fine work, JW Gump.

    JW Gump : What work?

    GB Herd: The work of doing exactly what we tell you to do.

    JW Gump: Oh, yeh, right. YES SIR!

    BG Morris III : JW Gump, you are DIISSMMIISSED!

    [ ...JW Gump leaves room and door closes...]

    GB Splane: Yessirree Bob. That boy will go far. Definite future Governing Body material.

    [ ... all nod in agreement...]

  • Bonsai

    So funny! I just watched Forrest Gump last night!

    "My momma always said, a cult is like a box of grenades. You always know whatcha gonna get!"

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