Three Things Witnesses Will Admit

by metatron 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • metatron

    So, the organization never makes any mistakes, the elders are appointed by God, you should attend all the meetings

    because "it's the truth", blah blah, blah.

    In my experience, as long as you're not too aggressive about it, there are three serious problems in the organization

    that Witnesses will admit, often grudgingly:

    1) Witnesses are commonly depressed. You could kill an elephant with all the psychoactive drugs being taken

    in most congregations - a 'Prozac (theocratic) Nation'. Of course, none of this is the fault of the 'faithful slave',

    it's caused by ....... Satan.........'this system of things' ....... Witnesses who 'aren't doing it right' .... or 'just our

    imperfection'. Funny isn't it? If you don't agree that happiness is the purpose of life, then you are CHOOSING

    SOMETHING THAT ISN'T HAPPINESS AS YOUR PURPOSE for living. I'd say Jefferson hit the nail on the head

    when came up with "pursuit ( or purfuit??) of happiness" to put in the Constitution.

    2) Witness families are a trainwreck - especially the kids. Suppose you ran a "Righteousness and Goodness Factory"

    that cranked out bad marriages and dissolute kids with a Defect Rate as high as your Witness eyeballs manifest

    presently exist -- and you'd face bankruptcy in a year. Apparently religions follow a radically downsized standard

    of success as ANY Witness kid who hasn't left or been df'd is heralded as proof of Victory Over Satan ( hint:

    you just haven't found his weed and favorite internet porn sites yet).

    A few years ago, a real-live Governing Body member went on a tour in parts of Europe and Africa and was confronted

    with tearful Witness parents crying out "What should we do?" This nearly brain-dead codger brushed them off with

    "Read Your Bible!" - as if they hadn't thought of that. D.O.'s and C.O.'s thought this reverent ( and irrelevant) stupid

    remark was wonderful and repeated it to anguished Witness parents. Food at the proper time? I don't think so.

    An elderly Witness relative told me, "Well, they don't know what to do!" Exactly.

    3) Lack of Love - Even the Watchtower has 'derated' Love as a mark of true religion in recent years - dropping out of the

    Number One spot on the theocratic countdown. Old-Timers like to quote Matthew , "the love of the greater number

    will cool off" ( whether it actually applies or not). Well, with debts, crummy jobs, wayward kids, 5 meetings a week,

    and field service , there isn't time for much else. A Wise religion would ditch some meetings in favor of a communal

    meal or set up special programs for the old, widows, and 'fatherless boys' but don't hold your breath with these

    elderly goons. They're busy fending off lawsuits - Your World-Wide Contributions at Work.

    So, that's 3

    Remember 'em for your next encounter.


  • rocketman

    Met, good post, I'd agree and have observed all three.

    Commenting on your #2 selection, I'd say that a "good" jw family, with the kids "doing well in the truth" is definitely the exception and not the rule. In family after family, the young are labeled as 'weak', 'rebellious', etc.

  • shamus

    Excellent Post! I have to agree.

    I went to the WT society thinking that it would be a cure for my depression. READ: weak person believed half-truths. Well, it not only made it worse, but put me on the verge of suicide many times because and only because of guilt. The WT organization believes in attracting these kind of people to have a crutch to stand on. Just look at all the weirdos at any kingdom hall, and ask me how many of them are normal? Maybe 5% at most.

  • Gopher

    I was in a congregation where, for the longest time, they couldn't put any family on stage for interviews or service meeting demonstrations/discussions. They had to pick 2 or 3 young 'uns from different families and put them together with a married couple on stage to compose a "model" family.

    There weren't enough exemplary children, and no exemplary families.

  • Maverick

    Good points. The depression, messed up families and lack of real love show how heartless and empty their 'Society' is. Maverick

  • Reborn2002

    Excellent post metatron and brutally honest as usual.

    Keep them coming. I have dozens saved into my favorites cache.

  • garybuss

    I asked my Witness son about all the wrecked Jehovah's Witness families, including ours, and he quoted me a scripture and it said Jesus came to wreck families and since our family was wrecked by the Jehovah's Witness's interference, that was proof that they have the right religion and it was Jesus that wrecked our family.

  • hawkaw
    I asked my Witness son about all the wrecked Jehovah's Witness families, including ours, and he quoted me a scripture and it said Jesus came to wreck families and since our family was wrecked by the Jehovah's Witness's interference, that was proof that they have the right religion and it was Jesus that wrecked our family


    Last time I checked the WT rags .. isn't the "big" JC suppose to be here invisibly and we are (gag gag gag) still waiting for him to officially come back in person (hahahaha)? So if JC ain't visibly here yet, how the hell can JC be wrecking familes?

    The boy is doing everything to rationalize ... isn't he.



  • NeonMadman
    Suppose you ran a "Righteousness and Goodness Factory" that cranked out bad marriages and dissolute kids with a Defect Rate as high as your Witness eyeballs manifest presently exist -- and you'd face bankruptcy in a year.

    And the pity of it is that the organization has them convinced that worldly people are even worse off than they are, when the opposite is true, at least in my experience. The average worldly person that I know is much happier than the average JW.

  • rebel


    I am sure I know the scripture you mean - where Jesus says that he did not come to bring peace but to divide mothers, fathers, children etc and if you have greater love for your family than for Jesus, you are not worthy of him. (or something like that) This is the exact same scripture my husband used on me. I posted a query about it to this board and the response was brilliant. My husband implied that by becoming a JW, you were putting yourself at risk of being disowned by your family. He said that being a JW was difficult as you often had to choose between your family and the 'Truth' and you would be persecuted for the rest of your life.

    He got it completely wrong! The only ones I know that are forced to choose between their family and the real truth are those that can no longer go on living a lie by remaining a JW. They leave the WTS knowing that they will be either DFd or forced to DA themselves. They know they will be shunned by family and friends and treated like a piece of garbage. They are the ones Jesus was talking about - not JWs at all. I don't know anyone who objects to their family members mixing with JWs or even becoming a JW. JWs are not the poor, persecuted individuals they make themselves out to be. The only ones who are treated badly and persecuted are those that no longer want to be a JW. They are the ones who are treated like dirt.

    I don't dislike JWs (I dislike the corrupt organisation though). I don't know anyone who dislikes JWs. I know plenty of people who HATE non-JWs. The ones who are full of hate and venom, who split up families, who think they are better than everyone, who can't bear it if you disagree with them, who hate to see you living a happy life away from the WTS - they are none other than JWs!

    I wish I could make my husband understand this.


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