I have tried really hard to be worldly, for ten years, tried to get worldly friends, and get back with family.

by Sledracer 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Daniel1555

    To categorize people and to look down on one category is what dictatorships and cults do.

    So calling someone "worldly" or on the other side "brother" is something very dangerous.

    If you need organized religion, look for one that fulfills your needs.

    You can however also be very spiritual without organized religion. Spiritual as a moral person and free individual.

  • sparrowdown

    I don't think it's being "worldly" you're having problems with, it's being a non-jehovah's witness.

    The JW belief system "kills" off the natural person (the old personality) and replaces it with a constucted one (the new personality). This WT personality is held in place by a scaffold-like belief system that causes the person to believe that if the belief system were removed they would fall down. This is not true, unless you have a serious emotional issue or brain damage, you are strong enough to stand alone, but many don't want to.

    Being in a high control group can be like cozy blanket of group-think or rather non-think that many are just simply more comfortable with.

  • DJS

    Worldly? WTF? You are still using this meaningless high control language descriptor ten years after exiting the cult? The Dark Lords may not have invented this type of linguistic control mechanism, but they damned sure have perfected it.

    You never left it or them. Lose the cult language and stick around. Or go back and surround yourself with like minded simpletons who won't or can't develop the emotional, psychological, social and mental skills to thrive in the 'world,' all of whom are waiting for an event that is never coming and a savior that doesn't exist. That is clearly preferable to you rather than trying to make it in the mean ole world.

    Just don't screw up too badly when you go back; you will see very quickly how loving those 'friends' are. But you should have known that already. It's amazing what you miss when your head is stuck squarely up your A***.

    But the biggest question concerning this OP is WTF am I doing here? Now I have to go projectile vomit. And sign on at Reddit. This OP has to be the low point of my brief stay on this site.

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  • GrreatTeacher

    Keep in mind that not all "worldly" families are healthy.

    Lots of people are vulnerable to cults because of their dysfunctional family lives.

    Not being able to become close to your family again proves nothing in regards to "the truth" being a better place to go back to.


    Are you sure you're not an 18-year old kid who lives in Canada and also near Disney who is a professional actor as well as a voice-artist and whose "son" is an atheistic, ex-Bethelite physicist who also is "starting to understand why you loved the JWs so much?"

    Or is it the "Borderline Syndrome" after all?

  • roberto avon
    roberto avon

    replace "WORDLY" with NORMAL and try to be normal,that is would you should try..

  • dubstepped
    Sounds to me like you've never figured out who you are apart from a set of religious beliefs. You're so identified with that set of beliefs that even after all these years you're using their vernacular. Spend time reading books that help open your mind to new perspectives if you haven't already. Work on being the best you that you can be. I've found being "worldly" so much easier than being a JW. People aren't expecting me to fit into their mold, they are interested in who I am and vice versa. They don't like me simply because I'm a good JW, they like me because I'm a good person.
  • MarkofCane

    Leaving a cult after devoting all your life to it is hard, I agree! I took me some time to figure out how to be Me! The person I was in the cult was not me, I had to fight the real me all my life. The person I am today is the real me, the product of my ancestral DNA, yet unique.

    The bOrg uses a lot of control phrases or words like spiritual, guided by the spirit or guided by the flesh and Worldly. They use them to keep you trapped and enslaved to a ideology that's crumbling around them, if they can control your mind they can control you. This is not new all religions use fear and control words like Hell, Armageddon, purgatory, death & paradise to keep you subjected to them. Its time to stop being abused and empower yourself with knowledge, educate yourself about the real world, religions, world history, evolution, science this will release the bonds of superstition and religion.

    Just be yourself and strive to make the world a better place, people will gravitate to you, but you have to put yourself out there. We are so damaged by our thinking about people that we shrink back from friendships and new experiences, we are the ones that need to learn to assimilate with mankind again.

  • freemindfade
    To sledracer

    I will try not to be negative about this as your choice seems genuine and honest. The most important thing is too be honest and live your life as your true self, you seem pretty convinced JW you is the real you. I know some people that if they weren't JW might be drug addicts lying in a gutter or dead, it does happen, some people need to be told what to do. Hell, there are some people who can't function outside the walls of a prison, but inside they are at home. Freedom aint for everyone.

    To lurkers

    To others who read this I would just say this, Trying to be "worldly" may still be trying to be something you are not. You should find out who you are and be that person.There is beauty in the struggle if you don't give up. Religion is a social technology that runs on fear, when you stop being afraid you do see it as a prison you were in. If you don't really want out, you'll never really leave.

  • DJS

    OK class, let’s recap.

    Ms SledRacer states that she can’t make friends, even after 10 years, with people she views, treats and speaks of using the following descriptor that she views in the pejorative manner described:

    “Wordly” – People she should avoid developing close friendships and relationships with. People who will be judged, condemned and justifiably destroyed at Armageddon, with no chance of life again.

    So class, what do we call this? I will give you a hint. It’s a 4 letter word starting with “C”, ending with “E” and with an “LU” in the middle.

    That’s right Ms. SparrowDown. We call it a CLUE.

    It’s also likely the reason Ms. SledRader can’t make friends amongst the Queers, Faggots, Wetbacks, Chinks, Pollocks and Negroes.

    Now class, I will be taking a few minutes break to go to the bathroom. And projectile vomit.

  • freemindfade

    You will find witnesses idolize and worship unity, and this is the big central doctrine that underlies all else, but unity does not always = good, in fact sometimes it means people have lost their freedom of thought.

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