- Disowning a Daughter Over a Church

by defender of truth 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth
    A reader from South Carolina has a heartbreaking story:
    " I am 31 years old. I was raised in a strict bi-cultural (Af-American and Nigerian) Jehovah’s Witness family, one of six children. Though it’s generally looked down upon for JWs to attend liberal arts universities (vocational schools are recommended), I somehow convinced my parents to allow me to go to university and major in theater (!!).
    I was always really devout, but I harbored doubts about the teachings since I was a child. I finally came clean to my family about it at the end of my first year of college when I was 19 years old and told them that I no longer wanted to be a JW.
    After heart to hearts with each family member, all five of my siblings and my parents stopped talking to me. I was followed around town by members of the church. My family withdrew financial support.
    Though I had plenty exposure to shunning and excommunication, I was naive enough to believe that my family would never do that. I thought if I was honest they would respect my decision and embrace me. Nope. I can’t even begin to describe the depression and loneliness that ensued.
    Recovery has been a long process. I’ve been very proactive and I guess I’m fairly resilient. I ended up transferring schools a year after the shunning. I left my hometown in South Carolina and finished my degree at Temple University. I am doing an MA in journalism next fall. I’ve done some research on religious shunning and have interviewed lots of folks from various religious backgrounds who have been shunned. I also co-facilitated a workshop last fall for people who have been shunned or have endured other forms of spiritual abuse. I’m working on an investigative piece about the practice.
    Thanks for posing this question about religious choice. I think it’s an important part of making this conversation a part of a larger dialogue, something I think is a major part of my life’s work. "-----------
    Update from a Jehovah’s Witness reader:
    " I am a Witness, been one for over 30 years. As Witnesses we don’t look down on education, although in light of the last days we are living in, one is wise to focus on what is priority. Ultimately it is one’s decision and is respected.
    Also, if this daughter was baptized and then chose not to continue, she is not ostracized. But I would prefer to socialize more with those who serve God. Now if she were practicing wicked and immoral behaviors condemned as willful sin and was disfellowship, then this is from scripture: 1st Corinth 5:9-13. It is a loving provision from God for the person to recapacitate as well, as to keep the congregation clean. It’s not from the church as in a doctrine opted; it is from God’s own word, the ultimate authority. "
  • defender of truth
    defender of truth
    In between the responses, the page states:
    " To join the dialogue, drop us an email. "
    [ the address is: [email protected] ]
  • Vidiot

    The JW who commented probably thinks he sounds like a pious, devout believer.


    What he doesn't realize is that he actually just sounds like a dishonest, self-righteous prick.

    I swear, sometimes I think JW loyalists do more to help our side than they ever realize. :smirk:

  • Heaven

    In other faiths, they outright kill their unbelieving family. I'm not sure which is worse... torturing someone until they die or just ending it quickly for them.

  • millie210

    That commenter is stating the liberal JW viewpoint. The way that is the official "way" to phrase it "technically".

    And yet, many JWs DO shun children or congregation members who are not disfellowshipped for "in house" infractions that dont appear directly in print.

    Included would be, poor meeting attendance, low field service hours, marrying a "weak" person or nonbeliever, etc.

    There are many more ways that you can slide up or down the scale in the JW pecking order. While the leadership may claim they leave that up to the families, there is tacit approval for doing so.

  • dubstepped

    I hate that scripture mentioned in 1 Corinthians. My brother was DF'ed when I was younger and I shunned like a good JW would. I realized one day that the scripture never talks about what to do if that person is no longer practicing those things. It's all so arbitrary and stupid. My brother was leading a nice life. Why was I shunning him again?

    One verse in the Bible can be used to do so much harm.

    I got so mad at the comment that I just wrote in a reply. I'll see if it gets published or not.

  • mana11

    Makes you laugh when a Lying JW refutes honest people telling it like it is.

    I keep going back to this to show people what it is like when you tell ya mum you don't want to be a JW anymore.

  • menrov
    I do not understand why governments do not apply a policy that allows them to revoke the tax exempt status of an organization when such organization applies a policy of shunning. Shunning means a discrimination of people who have different ideas. Charities should not be discriminative in that regard. I am 100% convinced that if a government would apply such a policy, the WBTS (and other religious organizations) would stop the shunning practice immediately.
  • Vidiot

    menrov - "I do not understand why governments do not apply a policy that allows them to revoke the tax exempt status of an organization when such organization applies a policy of shunning..."

    Give it time, Rome wasn't built in a day.

    Besides, there are plenty of other things that can be used to call the WTS's tax-exempt status into question.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    This article summarizes most of the points that can be reasonably made on the subject:


    I'm going to post this as a seperate topic I think, but just so you don't miss it, what do you think of this document?

    Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't: Religious Shunning and the free exercise clause

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