Here is a quote from the Olympic creed:-

by The Rebel 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Wow, kind of amazing how controlling they want to be (all driven by sponsorship) and that they think they can "own" certain words:

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Maybe it's just me but I'm finding the Olympics less and less interesting and exciting. There's the cheating obviously but also the financial corruption and harm it causes to the people who live there.

    Personally, I haven't really found them interesting since they started allowing professionals to compete.

    I get that they're the best athletes in the world at their respective sports. And I was as captivated as any American by the original "Dream Team".

    But their was always something endearing about watching amateurs compete and succeed at the highest level. Most of the pros are simply there out of a sense of obligation. For them, winning a gold medal is rather anti-climactic in comparison to their professional accomplishments. For a guy like Andy Murray, for example- I doubt a gold medal in the Olympics is anywhere near as meaningful as winning his first Wimbledon.

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