Brooklyn Update – January 10, 2015

by Sour Grapes 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus
    Big business
  • airborne

    I agree with Data Dog.  I think he nailed it on the head.

    These seem to be property appraisals free of charge for some kind of database back at headquarters.  Once all the information is compiled they can start maximizing revenue as all good property management companies do.  . All profit driven since more and more people are fed up with this religion generally speaking IMHO.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Training CO-like reps to tour the country looking for real estate investments? Priority Much?

    Let's figure........

    Eliminate the DO position to save money. 

    Add the LDC positions to MAKE MONEY!

    Good plan.


  • DesirousOfChange

    With all the long-term real estate planning that is being discussed, will not the R&F at some point begin to see that The End (TM) is not "right around the corner"?

    Or, will they just buy the BS story that these fine pieces of real estate will survive Armageddon to be used in the New World?

    How did I ever buy into all their bullshit?


  • _Morpheus
    Doc-  DO's didnt make money in any appreciable way, they were simply an extra layer of managment between CO's and the branch.  These new LDC's are money makers. Its not apples to apples.  Plus it lets them blow out older DO's and bring in younger people to run the LDC's. Additionally the CO was a branch rep who needed health care and the like. The vast majority of the LDC folks are not supported or cared for the branch in anyway (the lone head being the only person i have heard is an exception).  And there are only 6 or 7 LDC's compared to dozens of DO's.  It makes good sense from the real estate companys managment perspective.
  • respectful_observer
    We visited a Hall yesterday – that truly looked like a 1970’s funeral home! 

    Let me guess...floral pattern on the curtains, and mauve and/or teal color scheme?  Oh, and cheap fake flowers on the stage.  Sounds like 90% of KHs I've been in.  I'd love to know who in the RBC/LDC is infatuated with the palette of 1987!!!

    On a side note, I've always found Dave Palen (Palin?) to be a pretty nice guy.  I'd heard he was now based in NYC area, but didn't realize he was doing anything outside of the normal CO role.  

    In this time of the end Jehovah’s people will be the largest property owners in the world

    Hmmm....Well the Catholic Church is currently only the #2 property owner in the world, after all.

  • fulano
    Something like this?

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