We've decided to have a baby! (Advice needed)

by StinkyPantz 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz

    I know that many of you gave me the advice to wait until I'm done with school, but what can I say, I'm stubborn .

    Please share your pre-pregnancy and pregnancy tips that either made things smoother or things you wish you has done to make things easier.

    I also want opinions on such things as epidurals, circumcision, nutrition, breast-feeding, money saving tips, etc.

    Tell my anything you think that would help. This goes for the men too, what'll help the hubby?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Farkel

    : but what can I say, I'm stubborn .

    You said you're stubborn. I like honesty!

    : Please share your pre-pregnancy and pregnancy tips that either made things smoother or things you wish you has done to make things easier.

    Well, during my pre-pregnancy days I wasn't pregnant, and during my "pregnancy" days I wasn't pregnant, either. Can't help you out here.

    : I also want opinions on such things as epidurals,

    Numbing drugs. Don't do it unless it is absolutely necessary. Be totally AWARE during birth if at all possible. Doctors do this because some women whine that they might be in pain during birth. You WILL be in pain during birth. Revel in it. It is magic, and the pain is worth it.

    : circumcision,

    Stupid and ancient Jewish custom based upon the fact that the ancient peoples were too stupid to pull back the foreskin and clean the thingy.

    : nutrition,

    Always a good thing.

    : breast-feeding,

    The BEST thing for a new human coming into this world. Please do it if you can.

    : money saving tips, etc.

    Don't take a "free home Bible Study" and DON'T get any attorneys involved.

    : Tell my anything you think that would help.

    Just did.

    : This goes for the men too, what'll help the hubby?

    Don't bitch at him. It doesn't work.


  • larc

    I think that Farkel, pretty much summmed it up, from a guy's point of veiw. I wish you the best, and the easiest delivery possible.

    My wife went through three delivaries, and she survived every one of them.

  • StinkyPantz

    Umm. . thanks guys. . .

  • SheilaM

    StinkyPantz: YeaI think you will love your choice. It's hard to give pregnancy advice each and every person and prenancy is different. READ,READ,READ I read everything and the READ it again. Don't listen to the people that like to describe their horrific births MOST women that have difficulty feel they are so fortunate to have a healthy child they aren't the one's that B&Complain and try to scare you.

    Take prenatel vitamins before and after. Decide what you want to do I had my kids in November and Feb that wasn't to bad of a time, hospitals are slow etc. so if you get to rockin I would keep healthy, keep fit and yoga is great for pre-pregnancy and pregnancy. Great streching. KEGLE KEGLE KEGLE this is one of the best exercises for bladder etc and EVERY woman needs to do it daily to keep things hmmm tight ya know.

    I chose to nurse, read about which is best for the child and make your decision. I could give you my view but THIS IS going to be YOUR child so my view is only an opinion. I had great prenancies and no drugs (they tried a cervical bock w mel numbed the hell outta my leg instead ) had Anthony at home. I WOULD NEVER ADVOCATE a home birth for a first pregnancy or for someone that has any type of problem. ie diabetes, hypertension.

    Thunder and I are tossing around having another one, I may choose another homebirth depends if I get pregnant before I get too old.

  • SheilaM

    Along with what Farkel said I chose not to "snip" my son. We lived in a HORRIBLE area and I was afraid they would end up cutting it off.(YES THAT DOES HAPPEN) It is very traumatic for a lil one when done by a doctor I actually think the Jews do it much more gently than a doctor.

  • Farkel


    For the record, I delivered my youngest son who is now 23 years old, and his little sister who is now 21 years was also born at home. I've got a little experience behind me, but no man nor male doctor can ever have enough experience to experience what a woman must do to bring a new and fresh life into this world.

    That experience is owned and copyrighted by the mothers. Men can't go there now or forever.

    I wish you the best in the magical wonderment that you, as a mother can go where no man has gone before. Gawd, that sounds corny! But I'm sure you know what I mean.


  • PopeOfEruke


    your moniker will get a WHOLE new meaning!!


  • rocketman

    I wonder if guys will reply more than gals to this thread.

  • rocketman

    Oh, too bad we just lent our crib out to another couple, the 3rd couple (5th child) to use it since we finished with it about 15 yrs ago.

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