Islam is the Epitome of Misogyny

by cofty 69 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    Islam is the "Spanish Inquisition" happening right here and now.

    I'm sure many defended Catholicism during that time and they were equally wrong and equally stupid to do so as those that now excuse and defend Islam.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Islam is the "Spanish Inquisition" happening right here and now - it would appear to be so, yes.

    I'm sure many defended Catholicism during that time and they were equally wrong and equally stupid to do so as those that now excuse and defend Islam - ditto.

    But I don't expect 'those that now excuse and defend Islam' to apologise anytime soon - one of the perks of being of the Left is never having to say you're sorry, apparently ...

  • Simon
    Both the left and right spend too much time squabbling over petty nonsense while ignoring the elephant in the room.
  • LoveUniHateExams

    Both the left and right spend too much time squabbling over petty nonsense while ignoring the elephant in the room

    Agreed. But I question whether politicians and journalists of the Left want to work with others to tackle the elephant in the room.

    When white, CIS-gendered heterosexual men complained against how women are treated in Islam, this was Laurie Penny's response:

    This isn't 'feminism'. It's Islamophobia (I am infuriated by white men stirring up anti-Muslim prejudice to derail debate on western sexism).

    In it, she notes right-wing faults (good!), whilst just about absolving Islam and Muslims of any blame of the issues under consideration. It's real head-in-the-sand stuff.

  • cofty

    The failure of western feminists to take up the cause of Islamic women is shameful.

  • truthseeker100

    I agree with Cofty, Western Feminist's role in the cause of Islamic women is indeed shameful. I'll bet like any other cause du jour just follow the money and you'll see Western feminists following it also.

    Islamic Feminist's don't fair much better but their whole movement is based on Islam so I wouldn't expect great things from it either.

  • Gentledawn

    Muslim soccer team refuses to play against team with 2 girls:


    Muslims do not integrate into societies where they immigrate:


    In Sweden - a man who claimed "religious persecution" refuses to shake hands with his female trainer/teacher, because he would be "unclean" and need to wash afterwards:


    Muslim (male-only) worship(!!) outside high school where Ahmed took his clock and was arrested. His 1st period teacher told him to keep it put away. Yet a clock that requires either a battery or AC outlet, and the alarm to actually be set and click to the proper hour and minute in order to sound the alarm, did so in his 6th period class of the day.

    Do women worship in the same vicinity/mosques as male muslims? Some do, some don't. But those images do not have any females worshiping at Ahmed's (Macarthur High) school. Why worship at any high school in the USA at all? And why not more more outrage and media coverage about this travesty?

    Also, why didn't Ahmed's sister who took the picture of Ahmed in handcuffs get any commendations for bravery (apparently, photo was taken at the police station) or offered scholarships in her own right, perhaps for journalism and/or photography, etc?


    Western women cannot help muslim woman any more so than we can forcibly help an indoctrinated JW.


    Islam is the "Spanish Inquisition" happening right here and now - it would appear to be so, yes.I'm sure many defended Catholicism during that time and they were equally wrong and equally stupid to do so as those that now excuse and defend Islam - ditto.

    But I don't expect 'those that now excuse and defend Islam' to apologise anytime soon - one of the perks of being of the Left is never having to say you're sorry, apparently ...

    Agree with the comparison to the Spanish Inquisition.

    Left, right. Black & white. There's much more going on here than a simple two-sided issue.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Left, right. Black & white. There's much more going on here than a simple two-sided issue

    Absolutely correct. But here in the UK at least, those sweeping Islamic issues/faults under the carpet tend to be of the Left.

  • cofty
    Muslim soccer team refuses to play against team with 2 girls:

    The coach should not have even asked the female player what she wanted to do. He should have made a stand and allowed the Muslim team to walk off the pitch. In any respectable league they would have received large fines and long-term suspensions.

    NO compromise with misogyny ever.

  • Gentledawn

    "Stephen Evans, campaigns manager at the NSS said: “Being male isn't a genuine occupational requirement for a science teacher in a state school. Any attempt to try and make it so is unjustifiable.

    “The Government's encouragement of schools run by religious groups will bring with it increasing demands for religious customs and practices to be accommodated within our education system.

    “If religious demands to discriminate and segregate along gender lines are accommodated, teachers of the 'wrong sex' will be disadvantaged and children in such schools are unlikely to be adequately prepared for life as equal citizens in a liberal democracy – which should be one of the fundamental aims of education policy.

    “For some religious groups, it is clear that the primary goal of state education should be to instill parents' religious beliefs in children.

    “Equality must not be sacrificed in the rush to satisfy their demands.”"


    Wear a mini skirt? Men formed mobs and stripped 10 women they found on street for violating a law they (the men) didn't understand to begin with (anti-porn law, not anti-mini skirt law).

    "The law has sparked increased incidents of mobs of men publicly harassing, assaulting and undressing women for wearing short skirts in public places."


    Looked it up: Uganda is 84% Christian.


    from the article above:

    "The legislation to ban “indecent dressing” was proposed last year by Simon Lokodo, the Ethics and Integrity Minister , who said that women who wore “anything above the knee” should be arrested."

    (Stephen Fry interview with the guy yielded an interesting comparison between child rape and homosexuality)


    F_cking insane.

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