How Will They End 1914 Teaching?

by EmptyInside 282 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fisherman
    don't think you're coming to grips with the question. Anointed Christians were willing to endure the horrors of the arena for the crown of heavenly life.

    That’s not what I’m pointing out. It shockingly came to that horror but Jesus had said he would come quickly and when he didn’t, they didn’t forget about the evidence although his return did not realize. When beliefs and interpretations about 1914 turned out to be equivocation everything else that was known to be true was not struck down.

    How would you explain *.*

    Should I resort to winning an argument, or to fallacy; Like an apologist or a defense lawyer. I think you are implying a weakening resolve to the harkening to no blood transfusions. What you seem to be implying about the Brethren in Germany during mustache’s reign is that their death was negligent and could have been avoided. And the explanation is: “I’ve eaten, Ive wiped my mouth and said, I’ve done nothing wrong. Our intention was good although it needless resulted in human deaths, now let’s move on.” Decisions that have resulted in innocent lives with no accountability. I think that is what you are saying? But is that truly the case and an honest representation of what happened?

  • TD


    How so? An adjustment to What?

    If you don't see the problem with the 1984 quote I've provided, then I don't think we have a whole lot to discuss.

    If you believe that view expressed in that quote has been adjusted and there is some other basis (Other than a chronological understanding of a generation) to identify "prospective" members of the great crowd today, then I would appreciate a reference or two.

  • waton


    corrections: "Behold the great crowd" announced 1935, that makes even a baby in mothers arms today 88 years old. even then its wrong. Wt of 4/15 1995 question from readers states that the great crowd does not exist prior to the great tribulation. Nobody can shout "salvation we owe--" until after the end. . "coming out of" is not synonymous to "survive"

    Jehovah did not allow the ingathering of this group to begin too soon.

    wt announced starting in 1918 that "millions now living will never die" , in other words will become members of that great crowd, now 105 year old, but baptized wtorg members.

    Fast forward the clock 40 years and it is clear that an adjustment is on the horizon.

    easy, overlapping groups of prospective great crowd members, wt chart coming up 2075 again.

  • Fisherman

    f you believe that view expressed in that quote has been adjusted and there is some other basis (Other than a chronological understanding of a generation) to identify "prospective" members of the great crowd today, then I would appreciate a reference or two.

    I remember discussing this with you on another thread. Obviously, being an actual member of the great crowd depends on surviving the GT. It is also obvious that the WT previously taught a deadline for GT connected to 1935. The point is that those 1935ers died and were not members of the Great Crowd because they died and did nit survive the gt.

  • TD


    That’s not what I’m pointing out...

    Then it has nothing to do with the question I asked.

    Look, I shouldn't have to walk you back to period Watchtowers and quote for you the reasons why members of the great crowd needed to suffer the same trials as the anointed and prove themselves faithful in the exact same manner.

    slimboyfat and I (And you) discussed this at length about a year ago and I provided copious quotes.

    The point is that those 1935ers died and were not members of the Great Crowd because they died and did nit survive the gt.

    Well yes, that is the point. You're ahead of scholar at least. They were not members of the great crowd. They were not even prospective members of the great crowd as JW's have taught since 1970. Do I have to show you how JW teachings on the Ransom and how it applies during the time of the end does not cover or account for that fact? Or conversely, can you show me, when and how the great crowd teaching was adjusted?
  • Indoubtbigtime
    TonusOH19 hours ago

    When they made the "generation" change in 1995, where they appeared to try to quietly drop it, that was when they had the opportunity to let it fade away. Once they revived it with the 'overlapping generations' explanation, they effectively doubled down. Now they are committed to it, like it or not. If they try to reverse it now, it would be a glaring admission that they were stumbling about in the dark the whole time.

    It's possible that they felt they needed to address it somehow, and adding fifty or so years to the explanation lets it fade away without them having to ever talk about it again. But that just kicks the can down the road. They won't be able to handwave it in 2076, assuming they're still relevant at that time (or that they haven't shut down by then.


    Over the next few years or the next decade the 1914 teaching will be pushed over the edge.

    Millions now living will never die got pushed over the edge and by 2014 everyone realises the governing body were wrong.

    There will come a tipping point where it blatantly obvious the governing body were just as wrong about 1914 teachings as they were about millions now living will never die.

    Just as they were wrong to give the direction to stay fully vaccinated

    this is is the most damaging because we are always told to follow direction even if you don’t agree. Trust the GB and follow direction to keep getting these vaccines.

    some on broadcasting and GB updates actually said they were reluctant to get the vaccines but then they saw the GB updates and they said “I will follow direction even if I don’t agree”

    The GB are responsible for all those ones who damaged their health by getting these experimental medical injections

  • Fisherman
    They were not members of the great crowd. They were not even prospective members of the great crowd.

    Nobody is until they come out of the gt.

  • Indoubtbigtime
    Syme16 hours ago

    If they ditch 1914, they'll have to ditch the Gentile Times prophecy, and the Last Days in general, but JWs without eschatology have no reason to exist. An alternative would be to just move End of Gentile Times to another date. They could for example accept the historical consensus about the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC; that would give them 20 years of breathing time, and pass the hot potato to the next generation of GB; this sounds cynical enough for the GB to adopt. The problem, though, would be that every WT magazine has constantly fired against the historical date of 587 BC in favor of their baseless 607 BC. Changing that would be a huge flip-flop, but it wouldn't be news.


    Yes it will have to be a monumental U turn, but it is inevitable as we get further away from 1914. I don’t know how they will spin this exciting new light this time?

    GB3.0 will have to try to delete old publications which is going to be impossible because the internet has copies of everything.

    Some think it’s amazing that rank and file haven’t already lost trust in the GB for everything the have been wrong about.

    The mass loss of trust and questioning the GB will definitely come when they announce new light on 1914 and the gentile times.

    Loss of trust is really happening now with the tsunami of regret the world is facing about the harmful clot shots.

    Many many Jdubs remember the old GB teaching not to get vaccines even upto the 1980s WTowers saying caution is needed when making a decision.

    All those who were reluctant to get these shots were reminded to follow direction even if you don’t agree just trust the GB.

    Now we know for a certainty these shots were not safe and effective just the opposite in fact.

    Experts are predicting this tsunami of regret on top of the tsunami of excess deaths we are currently seeing and it’s just getting started.

    1 in 2 people on earth had these substances injected into them but 99% of JDubs did.

  • Jeffro


    The outbreak of the Great War, a fact of modern history which marked the end of the 'Gentile Times' and inaugurated God's Kingdom along with the fulfilment of the Sign of the Parousia confirm the Bible as God's written Word and can properly be termed as 'cast in stone' as a venerable witness.

    Except the ‘outbreak of the Great War’ was before October of 1914. But because something significant happened in that year, JWs quietly ignore that fact. 😂 (On top of the fact that the Adventist numerology is nonsense, on top of the fact that Jerusalem was definitely destroyed in 587 BCE, not 607.)

    But even if the war had begun in October, it would not be evidence of anything beyond a coincidence, especially given the literally dozens of years suggested by various Adventist groups (including Russell’s group) in the 19th and early 20th centuries for ‘something’ to happen.

    And of course JWs also ignore the fact that in the Bible, Jesus’ parousia explicitly follows the great tribulation. JWs don’t really care what the Bible actually says when it disagrees with their nutty doctrines.

  • TD


    Nobody is until they come out of the gt.

    You've hit the nail on the head

    Jehovah's Witnesses (Since 1970) have justified the notion that the great crowd could be identified as "prospective" members prior to the millennium via the idea that “time of the end” would not exceed the lifespan of a single generation.

    They assured everyone that the “great crowd including many of the earliest members thereof” would live to see the “great tribulation” and therefore had the prospect of surviving it.

    I’ve cited an explicit example of that teaching already, but there were plenty more (Which I can quote if you want)

    The chronological understanding of the 1914 generation was done away with years ago, but it persists in the great crowd teaching which has never been adjusted.

    Modifying this teaching is not as simple as seems at first glance. For example, do the “Other sheep” wash their robes and make them white in the blood of the lamb? Do the “Other sheep” benefit from the Ransom prior to the millennium? These are all things the Bible (Again, as JW’s interpret it) says specifically about the “great crowd” and no one else.

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