March 2020 Broadcast - Hard Push to Baptism. Why?

by Smiles 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Smiles

    The JW Broadcast for March 2020 is a hard push for more baptisms, where Mark Sanctamonious Sanderson makes ready use of the phrase "baptised disciples of Jesus" instead of their typical catch phrase "baptised servants of Jehovah". The "Jesus message" is somewhat unusual rhetoric for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    • Why the big push for more baptism?
    • Why this shift to a more mainstream evangelical tone of "get baptised for Jesus" instead of their usual "symbolize your dedication to Jehovah"?

    Is this push for more baptisms a result to revive slowing Watch Tower momentum? Or is this Christendom-like baptism revival simply proving to be a more effective tactic in attracting well-meaning naive people and quickly hoarding them into the legal contract of baptism while they are still ignorant of Watch Tower corporate evil that loves them?

    The broadcast features an interview with "R.P." Johnson, an elderly 4th generation JW who is now a "reassigned" ex-Bethelite still clinging to the stereotypical PIMI JW drone mentality.

    "R.P." has always been the classic Watch Tower poster boy, one that definitely drank the Kool-Aid.... another textbook example of what Watch Tower wants to create with anyone naive enough to consent to its corporate baptism.


    Jesus sells more products than “Jehovah” and I have no doubt that they will morph into a more “come to Jesus” sect of Xianity, at least during the initial advertising phase.

    Once the recruits are in, the Scientology-esque beatdown will begin.


  • waton

    so, since the the "sprit directed" initiation rite of wtBrS inc ins now wrong, are they at least going the "in the name of the Son" idea slip in?

  • Smiles


    Dog makes a good point.. Jesus sells cookies better Jehovah.

    So yes, Watch Tower will most certainly compromise and begin marketing more "in the name of the Son", if that's what it takes to keep their Titanic corporation afloat.

    Mr. D. Mark Sanderson is wise to promote the Come to Jesus Kool-Aid because as the youngest member of the Watch Tower governing body, he will likely be standing at the helm when the water rises ear deep and the all-hands-on-deck siren wails for the one last time. Sanderson has proven that he will do whatever it takes... that's how he got to where he is today at such a comparatively young age. Who was sent overseas to risk arrest by decrying the unfavorable verdict from their King of the North...

    Another reason Watch Tower may be throttling up the Jesus jargon is to appear more mainstream and less extremist. Watch Tower obviously does not like having its "land of decoration" confiscated for extremism. So the Watch Tower bottom line is seeing itself forced to declare more Jesus. Theocratic warfare.

  • alanv

    Watchtower showed no increase in practically everything last year, but baptisms were up. So the org can home in on that one figure to mislead the sheep that they are having good increase. Also once a person is baptised, its much harder to leave the religion.

  • BluesBrother

    This puts tbe lie to the oft repeated line used by doorstep dubs...... " we are not here to convert you" , or " we are simply doing a Bible education work"

    Mark Sanderson blew the lid on that. He bluntly said that placing literature was not the goal, conducting studies was not the goal. They want baptized converted JW s thats all.

    The instruction was given to stop "unproductive studies" . Most dubs don't want to do that. .. Obviously it is better counting time by calling on a friendly person, having tea and biscuits by the fire, than going door to door and having mainly not-homes.

    I don't know how significant the use of the theme " Disciples of Christ" was. It may be just that he was using the scripture in Mathew with that expression


  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Yes Alanv, you can't leave the JW org without punishment. Child baptism is entrapment and the GB know it.

    It's like the Jesuit boast (borrowed from Aristotle) "Give me child until he is seven and I will show you the man". The JWs are more successful at trapping their children in the cult than finding new recruits among the more discerning adults they find at the doors.

    @Blues Bro, HQ mean that baptised people are the business 'end product' -- loyal unthinking drones. Gawd bless 'em!

  • nowwhat?

    Did Sanderson have a "come to Jesus" moment? 😂

  • Smiles


    Good point! Definitely harder, for some even impossible, to exit Watch Tower after JW baptism.


    Sanderson's use of the theme 'come to Jesus by baptism' was not the typical casual use of the topic when we compare the frequency and intensity of its use over recent years. This appears to be another part of a strategic rebranding of the JW product slanting more toward a Jesus/baptism centered message. The real underlying core message, of course, remains the same: 'Prove your loyalty to Watch Tower rules, or be dead forever', but now more candy coated with Jesus. Call it, Flavor-Aid...

    2020 JW Service Year Text is:

    "Go, therefore, and make disciples..., baptizing them."

    May 2020 Study Edition:

    "Daniel says that the survivors will have their names "written down in the book." (Dan. 12:1) How do we get our names in that book? We must give clear evidence that we have faith in Jesus, the Lamb of God. (John 1:29) We need to get baptized... Now is the time to build trust in Jehovah and his organization of loyal servants."

    2016 saw the rebranding of all JW midweek meetings merged and renamed as "Christian Life and Ministry Meeting" so as to appear more Christian.

    Individual members of the Watch Tower governing body have been observed (and recorded) lecturing audiences with an unusually forceful push toward baptism, especially baptism of children, as John Cedars' recently blogged an assortment of evidence (which includes recordings of governing body members) that indicates the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses is deliberately leading a strategic campaign for more baptism entrapment:

    Link: John Cedars' Blog: Baptism Entrapment

    They celebrate the baptism commitment of naive minor children

    Edited: to attach Cedars link

  • Finkelstein

    Same as always, get people to make a vow and devotion to the top GB leaders of the WTS/JWorg

    From then on they can be controlled and owned by the GB men for their own will and means.

    If you think about the whole operation of the WTS/JWS, it comes down to exploitation and money.

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