What have you read that helped you?

by yesidid 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • yesidid

    My journey out began with this and other ''eyeopening" internet sites [thank you Simon]. I have since read Ray Franz's two books and Greg Stafford's "Dissertations".

    Although I am very grateful to have found out that my years of questions had a solid base and I now see the WTS for what it is, I have decided I need more positives in my life.

    Could anyone suggest books which may help my future journey.

    I still believe in God and the Bible. I do not believe the trinity teaching, and am not interested in reading works promoting it.

    I just want to get on with my life in a positive manner.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    yesidid [of the onward movement class].

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Hi yesidid and welcome. It's no so much as to what I read that made my decision, its how I was treated. If you claim to be a friendly and helpful a person, and your not, I'll see ya. As they say, action speaks louder than words.

    As you say, "I just want to get on with my life in a positive manner". Your on the right track. Avoid getting bogged down with unnecessary luggage as it only detracts and slows down your positive goals. Enjoy your journey.

    Guest 77

  • JamesThomas

    Hello Yesi, Here is a book -- that if the gentle guidance is taken to heart -- can help you see through the "baggage", the confusing mind-created ideas, concepts and beliefs about truth....into the alive-moment and sense of divine presence within you. http://www.namastepublishing.com/tolle.html JamesT

  • acsot

    yesidid, I've started reading the book JamesT has suggested. My initial response was "good god this is weird!", now I already have experienced a few fleeting moments of what is described, this peaceful feeling that comes with being in the Now. I know, it sounds goofy, but I knew I had to break down my initial JW automatic knee-jerk rejection towards something completely different from what I've been used to experiencing, so I've kept reading and believe me, it's worth it!

    Thanks JamesT

  • rem

    As JW's we were fed a healthy diet of superstition. One book that really helped me during my exit was Demon Haunted World, by Carl Sagan. It helped me get perspective about what is real and what is just ancient superstition. It's a fun read too!


  • Joyzabel

    Recommended reading:

    Crisis of Conscience Ray Franz

    In Search of Christian Freedom Ray Franz

    Gentile Times Revisited Carl Olof Jonnson

    Living in the Last Days? Carl Olof Jonnson

    Apocalypse Delayed James Penton

    A Road Less Traveled M. Scott Peck, M.D.

    Further Along A Road Less Traveled M. Scott Peck, M.D.

    People of the Lie M. Scott Peck. M. D.

    Combating Mind Control Steve Hassen

    True Believer Eric Hoffer

    The Myth of Certainty Daniel Taylor

    The History of God Karen Armstrong

    Fictional Books

    The Red Tent

    The Celestine Prophecy

    Enjoy! There is no end to what you want to discover.


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