Kids Without Rules

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberjesus

    Today's parent do what their parents taught them to do.

    I guess that the kids that don't annoy you are usually the kids that aren't yours :)

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Please remember most of us being raised in the cult had parents who listen to men from the platform who would give talks on child rearing who never had children. Of course there information came from other men who never had no children. I personally wish I would have never listen to what they said. Another example of how destructive this cult is. Still Totally ADD

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    This I-pad is maddening. Sorry for double posting.

  • minimus

    JWs mostly knew the rod. Kapow!

  • Vidiot

    @ minimus...

    You realize you're ranting about the exact same thing virtually every single parent from each previous generation has ranted about, probably going back as far as recorded history, right?

  • LV101

    I think there's a vast difference in society today. The behavior/social skills displayed in the education arena is horrific. These problems didn't go on decades ago. The instructors have to walk a land mine to avoid being sued along with the school districts. Teens carrying firearms, joining clubs that were unheard of yrs. ago - many of them are positive influences but not all. Drugs are on every street corner for youth - it's a horror story - this on top of many inadequate parents. It's almost like the children raise themselves. Sad and many of their parents are working hard to provide everything for them but perhaps it's not the material items they need.

    Yrs. ago parents complained about the music/clothing of the youth - I think it's much different today and has been for decades. Wrong is right and right is wrong.

  • Rivergang

    Every person who is currently serving a prison sentence got there for exactly the same reason - they violated Commandment No.11 "Thou shalt not get caught".

    I don't know that this is a good message to convey to children, though

    i.e. Anything is fair game, as long as you don't get caught?

  • LongHairGal


    What we see today is many decades in the making. I think it started in the ‘60s and in the years that followed. We saw changes in society, education in schools being watered down, prayer being taken out, teachers hands being tied..(I will say that I am glad teachers cannot raise their hands to children anymore. I was taught by nuns and am glad these frustrated women who know nothing about children CANNOT do what they did years ago.).

    So, parents raised after the baby boomers had less in the way of being taught ethics, traditions, whatever. So, they have less to go on - not to mention the economy has forced both parents to work.. This is a recipe for disaster and we are seeing the cake being served.

  • JimmyYoung

    This is not new. Spock put out his book in the 60s that was against discipline.

  • caves

    I never had to spank my son. All that was needed was me saying "xxx I'm am so disappointed with this behavior right now". That's all it took for him when he was little.

    However I believe that my bio father should have busted my behind, when I burnt the barn down playing with matches after he told me not to. He did nothing for whatever reason. Id love to know how someone else would have handled that?

    I do think that the majority of the time a child can be reasoned with and understand how they should behave.

    I have helped raise several kids over the years and never once had to spank them. Talking firm and kind worked. As an example my exs little girl that was 9 yrs old flipped her mom off from the back seat of the car. I explained how disrespectful that was and moved on.

    I have a question, If a 12 year old told his mom 'F%^& you, your not taking my video game away' and then proceeded to slap her. Do you just say "oh sweetie, no no, go wash up for dinner." ? What does one do in cases like that? I have seen some kids slap their parents, kick the car, destroy something because the parent didn't do what they wanted, like buy something at the store.

    So how could one handle that type of behavior?

    I in no way am 'spanking' happy. But in that instance .... well, what to do? I've seen so many parents just take it and then wonder why there adult child became so disrespectful.

    This would have been a much better way to frame the comment I wrote earlier. Since I myself have never had to spank a child.

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