America - Do They Teach Science in North Carolina?

by cofty 12 Replies latest social current

  • cofty

    I don't know whether to laugh or weep

    US town rejects solar panels amid fears they 'suck up all the energy from the sun'.....

    Jane Mann, a retired science teacher, said she was concerned the panels would prevent plants in the area from photosynthesizing, stopping them from growing. Ms Mann said she had seen areas near solar panels where plants are brown and dead because they did not get enough sunlight. She also questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying no one could tell her solar panels didn't cause cancer.

    The council voted three to one against rezoning the land and later voted for a moratorium on future solar farms...

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    "I don't know whether to laugh or weep"

    Is it possible to express both emotions at once?

  • slimboyfat

    By the sounds of it maybe this retired science teacher is suffering some form of dementia. Or is just longstanding weird. Whatever the explanation I think it's a bit of a leap to generalise from one woman's tenuous grip on reality to the general state of education in an entire state.

  • cofty
    SBF - The council voted three to one against rezoning the land and later voted for a moratorium on future solar farms
  • slimboyfat
    Yeah but presumably for their own reasons. Or did it state they shared her photosynthetic fears somewhere?
  • done4good

    Not unless you attend an expensive, private research university...


  • Simon

    With the brains-trust they have in charge, how can anything go wrong.

    Yeah, these are the people elected to run things - presumably because they are the brightest they have? LOL

    "You can tell me that ..." often proceeds complete denial of facts and evidence.

    People don't understand random distribution. Clusters of cancer incidents is normal random distribution. It would be suspicious if there weren't any and everything was distributed perfectly evenly.

  • dubstepped
    People are often terrified of things they don't understand. So a little weeping seems in order for science and progress in the Tar Heel state.
  • Viviane
    With the brains-trust they have in charge, how can anything go wrong

    I can't see or hear "brain-trust" without thinking of this, which is somehow on topic:

  • lrkr

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