I'm writing a book and I need all of your help!

by lv4fer 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lv4fer

    I'm writing a book and I need your input. I'm trying to determin if more people are born into the BORG or are converted. And if they are converted what religion they were before they became a Witness.

    So please answer these questions.

    1. Were you raised a witness?

    If no

    2. What religion if any were your before you became a witness?

    3. Did you know the person that taught studied with you? Family member or Friend.

    4. Were you a initially contacted by the door to door ministry? If not what other means.

    5. Were you df'd before you started questioning the BORG?

    6. What was the big thing that made you take the first step into questioning the Borg and start you on your way out?

    Thank you for helping me in this respect. I really appreciate it.

  • JH

    1. Were you raised a witness? NO

    If no

    2. What religion if any were your before you became a witness? Catholic

    3. Did you know the person that taught studied with you? Family member or Friend. yes, he was a friend

    4. Were you a initially contacted by the door to door ministry? If not what other means. We met on bicycle and discussed about the subject

    5. Were you df'd before you started questioning the BORG? I'm inactive

    6. What was the big thing that made you take the first step into questioning the Borg and start you on your way out? Hypocrisy, false dates, always asking to give more, and never excusing themselves for their mistakes

    Thank you for helping me in this respect. I really appreciate it.

  • jgnat

    I am not sure you are going to get a representative sample this way. Here is an interesting article. It is a little dated, but it might provide some food for thought.

    Why the Jehovah’s Witnesses Grow so Rapidly: A Theoretical Application Journal of Contemporary Religion, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1997 by Rodney Stark and Laurence R. Iannaccone

    Page 17

    In order to succeed,

    6. Religious movements must maintain a level of fertility sufficient to offset member mortality.

    Many religious movements have been doomed, because they had such low levels of fertility that very high rates of conversion soon were necessary merely to offset high rates of mortality. No such problems confront the Witnesses. The Canadian Census reveals them to be slightly younger than Canadians in general. Table 7 shows the same is true in the United States—Witnesses are more likely to be under 30 and less likely to be over 65 than is the general population. Moreover, active American Witnesses are more apt to be married than is the general population, which is confirmed by the American National Survey of Religious Identification (ANSRI). They also are far more likely to have large families—about a third have four or more children. The ANSRI failed to ask adults how many children they had, but it did obtain complete data on the composition of the household, which allowed the calculation that the mean household size (3.4) of Jehovah’s Witnesses is exceeded only by Mormons (3.8) among major religious groups (the general population figure is 2.6). However, Witnesses are disproportionately female, less so among the active members, less so according to the ANSRI, and even less so in Canada (55% female). It is typical for religious movements to over-recruit women (Miller & Hoffman, 1995), but this is not important so long as it does not result in too little fertility. It is of interest that the Witnesses are about as likely as other Americans to have been divorced.

    It has long been noticed that the Witnesses are very unusual for their degree of racial and ethnic integration, not only among the rank and file, but among leaders as well. Witness literature has always been quite militant in its stand against all forms of prejudice and discrimination. The data fully support these perceptions. Both the GSS data and the ANSRI data reveal that white, non- Hispanic Americans make up less than half of self-identified American Witnesses. African- Hispanic- and Asian-Americans form the majority. This may greatly facilitate the appeal of the movement in Latin America, Africa and parts of Asia.

  • gold_morning

    1. Were you raised a witness? yes....third generation

    If no

    2. What religion if any were your before you became a witness?

    3. Did you know the person that taught studied with you? Family member or Friend.

    4. Were you a initially contacted by the door to door ministry? If not what other means.

    5. Were you df'd before you started questioning the BORG? I was disfellowshiped and stayed away for 16 years. I questioned after I had the desire to find God again.

    6. What was the big thing that made you take the first step into questioning the Borg and start you on your way out? Seriously reading the bible and seeing so many different things than what I had been taught. Especially after my father died I was convinced there was heaven and we go to be with HIM.

  • DJ

    1. Were you raised a witness? since I was 12.

    If no

    2. What religion if any were your before you became a witness? non-practicing Catholic

    3. Did you know the person that taught studied with you? Family member or Friend. Parents and Aunt

    4. Were you a initially contacted by the door to door ministry? If not what other means.yes, my Aunt was and she brought them to my parents to study together.

    5. Were you df'd before you started questioning the BORG? no

    6. What was the big thing that made you take the first step into questioning the Borg and start you on your way out? I wanted to learn about Jesus and they were not very accomodating....

    Thank you for helping me in this respect. I really appreciate it.

  • gitasatsangha

    1. Were you raised a witness?


    2. What religion if any were your before you became a witness?


    3. Did you know the person that taught studied with you?

    YES, Family

    4. Were you a initially contacted by the door to door ministry? If not what other means.


    5. Were you df'd before you started questioning the BORG?


    6. What was the big thing that made you take the first step into questioning the Borg and start you on your way out?

    The "Mankind's Search For God Book" showed me there were many more interesting religions out there.

    Thank you for helping me in this respect. I really appreciate it.

    Yer welcome

  • Loris

    1. Were you raised a witness? No

    If no

    2. What religion if any were your before you became a witness? We went to whatever church was closest to the house. We moved a lot so I got aquainted with several. The most I knew about religion when I was a kid was I was Christian but I was not Catholic.

    3. Did you know the person that taught studied with you? Family member or Friend. No

    4. Were you a initially contacted by the door to door ministry? If not what other means. As a child I was given the book "Children" by a neighbor. At the age of 16 I was contacted in the door to door work.

    5. Were you df'd before you started questioning the BORG? No

    6. What was the big thing that made you take the first step into questioning the Borg and start you on your way out? Being ordered to stop speaking to others about the child abuse issue. My response to the PO was, " So much for freedom of speech."

    Thanks for asking, Loris

  • Valis

    born into troof...


    District Overbeer

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    1. No.
    2. Methodist
    3. No.
    4. Yes.
    5. I've never been disfellowshipped, public reproved or privately reproved. I did not disassociate myself.
    6. The two witness rule to child abuse.

  • gumby

    1. Were you raised a witness? Yes

    2. What religion if any were your before you became a witness?

    3. Did you know the person that taught studied with you? Family member or Friend. My mom

    4. Were you a initially contacted by the door to door ministry? If not what other means.

    5. Were you df'd before you started questioning the BORG? Yes

    6. What was the big thing that made you take the first step into questioning the Borg and start you on your way out? Getting dfed..............I wanted to find out if it was truely scriptural and went into a christian bookstore to read commentaries on the matter. I saw books there about the dubs and it went from there.


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