shepherds of the flock...not

by searchfothetruth 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ozziepost
    then told me what he thought I should do was to pray with a very specific time limit in mind eg one day .and by then ( if I was honest hearted ???!!! ) my answer would come and i'd have no more doubts!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now that's a novel approach to the problem! Still though it's a variation on the standard Dub response of burying their heads in the sand, like in "leave it to Jehovah". They don't talk about it, hoping it will go away!

    Well, it hasn't and it won't.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • breal

    been around 9 or 10 years since I was DF'd... funny thing is before I was I knew I was "spiritually weak" according to JW standards and had asked for someone to go in service with me and study with me. In hindsight I am better off for how this all turned out - but due to the lack of response (amongst other things) I simply went about my own life as no one (not family, friends or the "shepards of the flock") seemed to care. Then I got called into a meeting and instead of addressing what they perceived as wrongdoing on my part I was asked to give info on other youth in the hall...upon refusing to do so and I guess since I would not discuss my own life (not giving them any ammo as all they had was conjecture) they read me scriptures sighting how evil I was and how by taking this stance to not repent and help them clean up the hall... c'est la vie!

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